Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Gilthanas' Journal, Day 1.

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    Votes: 2 100.0%
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Lord of Altera
I arrived in Port Silver today along with some friends I met on the way. I was invited to come to come to Protaras, an invitation I gladly took. When I got there I was welcomed heartily, almost a party! I was shown a spot where I could build and I began work.

Soon enough a dwarf stopped by on a ship, saying his name was Zebidiah. He was quite nice and he even decided to stay at the town permanently.

I have caught wind of an evil mermaid queen by the name of Bewpy. Wielding the hammer of Korigon, an artifact of good, she raids towns killing everyone in sight unless they pay 1000 radiants and swear fealty. My biggest question is how she is even able to go near an artifact of good without some effect on her. I will have to study more into this.

I miss home, but it was time for a change.



King ForumStalker
Good start to the story, but could you add in the stickied template too so we can get to know more about your character?


Bandit Overlord
I have news friend, that memaid misplaced her Hammer of Korigon ;) and like any good Protarian i aquired it;) got a nice tidy sum for returning it to it's rightful place. When i held it in my hand i had second thoughts about keeping all the power of the hammer to myself :eek: but then i thought naaaaa radiants would serve me better. "such is a bandits life"