Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Golden Peak: Expansion Desired, Residents Required

Minecraft or Terraria?

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Hello Travelers! The13thSun here with another message from the town of Golden Peak.
Do you see this commuter hub and its lack of a fourth path?2012-03-17_00.11.41.png
Yes that's right, the little town of Golden Peak will be getting its own market square (one way or another). The point being: we're fresh out of those lovely land plots that are required to expand any sky-bound town (or land based village for that matter) and I'm asking for you, the reader, for help.

I implore you to come live in our little village and help it to expand. You would be assisting us by adding to the number of plots that we are allotted and by also helping with the build (if you really want to; we here at G.P. are not in the business of forcing anyone to do something that they would rather not).

So this is a calling to all those players looking for a new place to reside. In the words of Uncle Sam, "I want you!". Help make our market possible by taking residence in our town (plots are free/limit one space per player).

P.S. In the future the administration of Golden Peak will consider creating special resident only shops in which players can receive vast discounts on a variety of items.

P.P.S. As always this message is brought to you by the town of Golden Peak and Lab13's BrewHQ. Thanks for your consideration and time.