Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Golden Peak.


Lord of Altera
Wrote this out once already but my mouse decided to shoot into the top right corner >.<

Minecraft Username:Joe_Exp

Name of Project:Golden Peak; the floating city.

Location of Project: (Either screenshots, a link to the map or coords) -2175, 100, 3900

Size of the project: (The more exact you are the more likely it is you will be granted permission)11(16)x9(16) estimated based on plot sizes. not all of this will be used as it is floating/abstract. those are just the max dimensions including vacant space.

Intention of the project: (Is it a fortress, a keep, a castle, a maze, a dungeon etc etc. DO NOT! apply for ahouse, as builds will be public.) The intention of this project is to create a unique environment which hosts a castle/keep.

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: (Why is it unrealistic to claim yourselves?) It is unrealistic for us to claim all the plots ourselves because we don't have ten's of thousands to spend on bonus plots. nor do we have enough residents currently.

Residents: (Who will live there after its completion?) Joe_Exp The13thSun Crazy_Rabbit Armored2dacore, TheHated6, Leso14. Others will be invited upon completion.

Builders: (Who will help build the project?)all of the above minus "others"

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? (I want a full reason, not "It will look good") This is a good addition to hollowWorld because of its creative style and its magical appeal due to it being in the air.

Used materials:Netherbrick, Netherfence, Stone Brick, Glass, Glowstone and lots of dirt. possibly lots of gold, hence Golden Peak.

Inspiration: the inspiration for this is a well designed floating landscape with a magical appeal to it.

RP explanation/introduction: (I expect a nice, well thought out full length paragraph. I will litterally decline it for solely a bad RP section. Make it nice. If you arent the best story teller dont worry, as long as you made it obvious you put effort in, ill most likely grant it. Also feel free to ask me Lars or Fitz or any of the rolemasters for help)

As written by Crazy_Rabbit:

'Golden Peak and the Stone of Verden'
This is the tale of the Stone of Verden, a magical stone mined deep from the depths of the ground. The stone was first found by the Dwarfs in the land of Ceres then moved to the Dwarven City of Arda. Many years had passed and the Dwarven city had been abandoned when it city was attacked by a raid of Orcs, and the stone stayed sealed away in a vault made by the Dwarfs to protect it from the grasp of those who might abuse its unknown power only known to the Dwarfs.

Henry Fumblebottom a man of many great skills and crafts was once in a tavern and there he heard drunken Dwarfs speaking of an old Dwarven lore, that spoke of the magical stone of Verden. Henry took advantage of this and went to the ruins of the Dwarven city. Once he reached the city ruins he searched the long tunnels and large caverns until finally, at long last he had found the vault of which the dwarves spoke.

The vault held all of the wonders that the Dwarf's had collected during their time mining ores and gems. The vault's door was not an easy thing to open for the doors to even budge you would need a whole clan to move the doors. Henry knew this and looked around him for anything that would make this task easier for him, he searched around and quickly he found a pile of TnT. Henry grinned at the pile and picked up as much as he could and placed them at the base of the vault, if he couldn't open the vault he would force his way in, this way he could keep the secrets to himself. After carefully placing some TnT Henry Fumblebottom lit the wick and ran fast as one man could till he heard the explosion go off. The ground shook and sent him smacking into the ground. He slowly stood up and brushed himself and ran to the vault to see what the TnT had done. Inside of the vault was a small door but enough for Henry to get through on his own.

Henry entered the vault and looked around him and he was quickly taken back by the sight before him. Gold as far as he could see in the expansive room, but his eyes quickly went to the middle of the room and there in a glass case was the fabled Stone of Verden. Henry swiftly walked up to the case and with one swift motion he kicked the case, shattering the glass. He quickly picked up the stone and placed it into his satchel and went back to his homeland. When he came home he placed the stone in the middle of the town to show his people the great task he had over come. As he placed it down the ground shook and soon lifted from the world and floated like a balloon in the sky.

The stone is still there in the town of Golden Peak but it has been carefully broken up and placed under the city to keep the town floating evenly, all thanks to Henry Fumblebottom the town has been given this magical gift. The End.

Planning: (If youve got any screenshots/sketches/proof of concepts, please put them here) attached 2/3 photos, one was too large.



Lord of Altera
A very unique building style so far compared to other towns. An interesting design.