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Gundar, Jack of all trades, master of none


I think I might like it here
Name: Gundar Gilbert Godwin
Gender:All Man
Race: Human
Height: 6"1
Weight:2 bales of hay
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black as night
Skin: Tan
Identifying Marks:No marks to be seen because he is always wearing a cloak
Appearance: Orangish Cloak with a covered mouth.
Strengths:Average in every skill, not one better then the other.
Weaknesses and fears: The man trusts almost no one and fears just about every person he sees, though he appears to be confident.
Religion and cults: He believes in coin and only coin.
Profession: Average at every profession but does not specialize in any.

Born in a alley behind a inn Gundar Gilbert Godwin was brought into this world with nothing. Both his parents were very poor and did not have a place to stay for many years. His mother a cheap whore who would do anything for money, his father who had no skills to be known. So when Gundar was brought into this world it was fairly obvious that his life would not have many up times.

By the time Gundar was 10 he did not have any education besides what his father has taught him. His father raised him most of the time while his mother would try to do anything she could for money. His mother payed for there little hut down the street from the very alley he was born. It was a very small hut just one room basically with 2 beds and a warm furnace. Gundar always smelled very ripe and no children would talk to him (probably because of the smell) so he had to make his own friends. He made a make believe friend out of a pumpkin and wood. That became his childhood friend he went everywhere with this friend, he named it Philip.

Around the time Gundar was 16 both his parents died trying to steal food, Gundar was now alone except for his friend Philip. So Gundar sold his little hut and took what coin he got and found work at the inn. The owner was very kind at let Gundar live in the broken down room. Gundar took all the coin he made and started learning the crafting trade. He would try everything blacksmithing, brewing, woodworking, and weaving. Gundar started watching the inn owner haggle, the owner sold rooms for expensive prices even though they were very horrible looking rooms all because he would convince the person that they were amazing. Gundar started saving all his coins he would get now in the hopes of one day owning his own store.

Gundar now 19 travels to the land of Altera hoping that he will own a store and become rich beyond belief!