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Heavens Reach, in need of higher reaching


Grand Architect
Hey everyone,

as u all might know i started Heavens Reach last week and it's coming along very nicely,
but the problem is i reached with several buildings my limit og 128 blocks, and since i'm on a high mountain this is rather frustrating.

username: Aug88
Name of project: Heavens Reach
Location: 2312 1768
size of the project: 74 long, 50 wide
Purpose of construct: More levels added to current towers and alike

Builders: myself, ploot_teh_medic, Griponyourthroat

hereby i want to ask permission to build higher as currentlly possible, Why i want this ? because then the city will look as it should be and really reaching the heavens !


<3 Hollow World
That's the limit on MC servers Aug, there is apparently the possibility of it being increased in later patches but whether we do that or not is up in the air at the moment as nobody knows the impact on performance on server, clients etc and I doubt we'd want to "hack" it.


Grand Architect
ah oke then i missunderstood something someone said, thank you for your quick replies and my you live long and prosper


I think 128(?) blocks is the hard coded limit in Minecraft. It's the highest level at which you can build blocks. Or are you talking of some other sort of height constraint? You seem to have heavens reached by now already - To build a higher city you'll need to build further down, not up.

That's quite the tower of Babel you're developing there, buddy!