Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Herobrine852 - application - [Rejected - Halfmad]

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1.My Minecraft Username: Herobrine852
2.My Real Name: Zack
5.United Kingdom
6.Yes i have read the Tome of Citizenship and i agree to them.
7.I Feel great about roleplay in server. And i love them.
8.My name is Zack. I love Minecraft. I love building towns. I have been playing minecraft for nearly a year now. I have been finding for a server like this for quite some time now. I love meeting new people. I would like to know more about this server. And i really want to be in this server.


<3 Hollow World
Terrible application. End of story really.
Feel free to reapply if you can take the 5 mins to fill out an application properly, we don't expect a life story but when we put in so many hours building a community we do want to know a little about the people who want to join it :)
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