Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Horenthas - applicating [Declined-Karasu1996]


1. Kingfighters
2. 18
3. male
4. Canada

5a. I agree and have read the Survival Guide.
5b. Yes i agree
6. I'm kingfighers , known as the King-Slayer, was born in a small contry acrros a beautifull lake and a armless vilage. but 1 day , the king of the other castle , came to ours contry to reclame is dime and ask to evryone to leave us village so he can build is own family farm! No one as said something to reclaim there place, evryone jsut move out of there place and leave it for the king , but me , a alone Warrior , know for is Power and inteligent , decide that it was enough , so i claimed a group of 5 to go defeat the king , and we manage to get there in less than 2 day. but in ours way to there , we lose many friend. so we were only 2 left. at the entrance of the castle , i had to ran into the main king doors , but it was protect by 2 guard, me and my friend had alot of trouble to defeat them but we manage to get into the king rooms , and killed him whit is own crown! so as the day after , we were known as the kingslayers, and changed it to Kingfighters. and now , we are pasible farmer me and my friend , but if someday. we are disturbe. we will be back!

7. I'm a hightschool student , i played alot of minecraft in since my 3 last years but i haved search alot to find a good server , and i see this one , a beatifull servers knowns for is awsomeness, so i desside to give it a try , the only thing bad whit me its my english as your probably sees in the last 3 paragraphs :p
8. i have a private server whit my friend and we invented this all togeter and we had 10 friend playing on it , whit money , mods , whitelist and evrything , but day after day , we lose many peaple so we are jsut 2 now, so we are searching for a brand new server now to play whit :p

9. Yes , I'm french so my english is not that good :)

10.I hate Black magic....
11. Youtube and google by searching : Good minecraft RP survivals Server

12.Yes , i alwready votes for you :p


Lord of Altera
Where are the questions? And yes you stated your french, but your English is very lacking. We digress that you use two or one instead of "2" and "1". As for your story its original, its creative, but its not on par with our expectations.

Declined, Feel free to make another.