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How Pirates talk


Lord of Altera
A lot of people point out that I RP a good pirate accent, but I always worry that people don't understand what I'm saying most of the time xD. So I'm just going to put the usual words I use:

'ave = Have
'ear = hear
'ere = Here
Ahoy = Hello
Argg = Someone's going to die soon. More g's means it'll happen faster
Aye = Yes, shut up
Canna = Can't, cannot
Din = Didn't, or dinner
Dinna = Didn't
Fer = For
Ferget = Forget
Git = Get... git
Jus' = Just
Kin = Can, Crew
Mayhaps = Perhaps, maybe
Nawt = Not
owt = Out
Whas = What
wun = Wont
Ta = To
Tha = Than,
Yer = Your, You're
Yerself = Yourself

This is all I have for now


The Mogul of Cromarcky
This is great! I've been trying to compile a list of "Riddleport Native" lingo for a little while now, and this certainly helps me think of words and phrases to use.

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
I'll have to add something here sally, since I find myself talking like this in RP, and some people don't understand:

AFEARD : A common way of saying afraid.
ARTICLES : A set of rules which govern pirate’s behaviour on a vessel/place.
AVAST : Stop
BELAY : To secure, tie up or make fast
BLETHERING : Talking nonsense.
CHIVEY : A knife
DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES : A good reason for leavin’ no survivors.
DITTY BAG : A small duffle bag used by a crewman to store their personal equipment and belongings.
DITTY BOX : A small box or chest for holding a man valuables.
DOUBLE DUTCH : Gibberish or any unintelligible language.
GROG : Rum, sometimes mixed with water.
LUBBER : An awkward, clumsy, unseamanlike fellow.
LAND-LUBBER : The worst kind of Lubber, one that’s never even been to sea before.
PIECES OF EIGHT : Emeralds (coin)
PLUNDER : To rob, steal and generally make of with everybody’s loot.
QUARTER : If we offer you quarter it means we’ll treat you well if you surrender.
RAMSHACKLE : Out of repair, disorderly.
THREE SHEETS IN THE WIND : Very drunk. If ye let three sheets of a sail flap about in the wind, the sails will flap and the boat will lurch about like a drunken swab. If a fellow is just a bit tipsy then we’ll say he’s just 'one sheet in the wind', or 'a sheet in the wind's eye'. Two sheets is somewhere in between.


Lord of Altera
THREE SHEETS IN THE WIND : Very drunk. If ye let three sheets of a sail flap about in the wind, the sails will flap and the boat will lurch about like a drunken swab. If a fellow is just a bit tipsy then we’ll say he’s just 'one sheet in the wind', or 'a sheet in the wind's eye'. Two sheets is somewhere in between.
Or you could just say "drunk" and be done with it. :p