Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Immerael's Bulk Collection of Common Goods Agency (OOC)


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
So you've been starting a massive project and you just need some cobblestone. Nothing big right? Only you need 150 stacks, just to get started. That's a lot of time. Time you'd rather spend doing something, anything else am I right? Well never fear for I Immerael have a solution that benefits us all.

You need a metric ton of X. I can provide you the metric ton, for a price. I work on a per stack basis. Prices negotiable. However remember I too have things I would rather do than gather your meteric ton of things. So please keep offers fair, I reserve the right to respond to unfair offers with unrestrained scorn and sarcasm.

If you can't pay in radiants maybe you can offer something else? Artist? Sure. I can't think of anything else but I am open to ideas. If I think what your offering is worth my time, I will mindlessly dig for you.

Shop Rules

1. Remember I work in bulk. If you need 8 dirt blocks for 4r you can get them yourself.

2. I work in Common easily obtainable goods. You want 15 stacks of redstone blocks go get it yourself mate.

3. This goes back to Rule 1. If your order exceeds 5 stacks I will go to the Sorrows and get you the stuff. If it is under 5 stacks and the price isn't good, I'll only take your job if I have it in storage already.

4. Deals when made on this forum are final. No backing out when I've broken 15 pickaxes and spent 3 hours in the Sorrows gathering your goods because you don't have the money or changed your mind.

Folks I think who might be interested-

Completed Deals-
Current Deals-
