Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Infectablegamer : Whitelist Appeal [Declined - JustShadow]


Legend of Altera
1. IGN: Infectablegamer

2. Age: 19

3. Gender: Male

4. Location: Canada

5a. Yes. Definetly I think it will keep the griefers out and the fun in...So to say

5b. Yes.

6. His name is Torvar Marsh.He is a highly skilled Elf Grew up on the outskirts of a small town with his uncle working as a blacksmith for the town.His Parents could be still alive for all he knows. He is a skilled blacksmith and is an even better warrior but he still like farming and listening to bards enjoying all the little things in live he has ventured far across the continent after his uncle died to find a place he could call his home anf hopefully find a fair women and great riches but for him so far his searches have been worthless. He has come upon a great city called Altera but the guards won't let him in. Not without the Great kings permission...

7. I am a Minecraft gamer (hence my name). I am on alot so don't worry about me being a waste of space on the whitelist. My hobbies are Skyrim and Minecraft and all the time when im not doing those to im at work :/. My intentions on this server are to have fun and help out whenever is needed of me. I am not an X-rayer Hacked client or Mod kind of guy and i think that X-raay taked the fun out of minecraft. On my old server there was an X-rayer and he thought diamonds where useless and he kept throwing them in a chest at spawn. Then came the day when the program was discontinued he started begging people for diamonds. It can be VERY damaging to society.

8. Hmm well I'm not the creative one in a bunch of people but i suppose i can build some imppresive things like giant statues and stuff... But i don't have any of my creations to show you. Sorry.
9. Hmmm no I don't think so I covered it in the last couple lines.. Oh! I will NEVER ask for OP

10. Yes I am aware

11. A thread on MCSL

12. Yes I have voted for you

Thank you for looking this over I hope to be a part of your community very soon.

(EDIT) His skin is also a blacksmith

(EDIT 2) I already have the Hallowworld texture pack installed


Zalenfal Guardian
Declined. But please do apply again, there's only a few things you need to change.
Firstly, include the questions in your answers.
And also, in question seven, you are required to talk about things outside of Minecraft, such as sports you enjoy, music you listen to, if you have a job, whether you're still in education - just general information about yourself, so we can better get to know you.