Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

JamesHare - Application [Declined - Itzzaboy]


1. My username is JamesHare ;)

2. I'm 15 years old, my birthday is in april.

3. Gender: Man , boy or dude

4. I live in Sweden, (minecrafts homeland)

5a. Yes i agree! and i've read it!

5b. Yes i agree! -//- , (both)

6. My character (for now) is a dwarf.

- I am but a simple dwarf, i have lived for two centuries in my families big stronhold, but i have been more eager to see the world out there far from the strongholds walls. My family have tried to scare me with strories about green creatures that explodes and kills every foe, and zombies that cannot be killed, but they can't stop me from this adventure with silly stories, no. And i will some day walk out of this stronghold and meet the adventure that awaits me...

7. Hello, i'm a regular teenager like many others, i like music like many others , and of course am i a big fan of gaming;) i've been gaming minecraft for about a year now and it's going well actually...
hobbies: i've tried warhammer but i didn't have the power to finish all my models so they are somewhere... another hobby is playing music, i play the instrument bass in a guitar band... yeah;)

8. i don't have any pictures of my creations. sorry.

9. No that's about everything.

10. yes i do know that. black magic is bad...

11. I found it on the site , i was looking for a server to play on and this server catched my eye.

12. No i haven't, but maybe in the future;)

So that's about all // JamesHare , and yes i created the introduction story myself;)