Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Jamie Jones's Application [Declined - Sally]

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Jamie Jones

1. My Minecraft username is Im2Charming
2. I am 15 years old
3. i am a male
4. i live in Australia
5a.Yes i do agree to read your survival rules before logging on
5b.yes i do agree to consult both your Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game
6.My character is an adventurous character who enjoys hunting, mining, fishing and will accept any challenge or quest faced with. He is a very kind, caring person who wont mind helping others in time of need. He works really well with others to get through tough situations. He is great with a sword and a bow.
7. I am a kind, intelligent person who is very caring when talking to others. I enjoy RPGs, adventure, action and sport games. I enjoy playing all sorts of games on the computer that involve RPG and adventure and action such as Skyrim and Realm of the Mad God etc. I enjoy playing minecraft in my spare time even when people mock me about it. I think Minecraft is an awesome way to express your ideas in a 3d image. I enjoy building things in groups because everyone has different ideas and some are awesome. I have a great imagination when i comes to making objects and buildings. I play on a server that neceros has made and built a floating island
8. I built a giant castle on a world for my bros to play on.
9.No i don't have anything else to share.
10. Yes i am aware that
that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on your server, and a banishable offense.
11. i was looking up awesome servers and found it and looked at it and read the description and really enjoyed reading about it so i decided to apply to be white listed.
12.Yes i have voted for your server.


Loyal Servant of Altera
hello ^^ would you mind clickin the edit button on your app and pasting the questions back in ^^, it keeps things tidier and im sure your app will process faster if the admins arnt squinting at wall of text lol


Lord of Altera
You have answered the questions very well, however, could you add the questions back in and make sure that all the questions are answered properly? For instance, question 6 asks for a lengthy rp introduction and 7 asks for 8 sentences or more.

I will have to decline this, but you're free to apply again.
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