Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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jaxson1 Application [Declined - Sally]

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5a.Yes and already read it

5b.I agree

6.When a Boy my father was a great Adventurer he want to adventure all of Altera.but one fine afternoon he ran into a group of goblins.....They slaughtered him.Now I've become an Adventurer to finish his journeys.

7.My hobbies are playing Minecraft.Playing anything medieval (video game) i like to role-play.I would like to join the Community because as I said before i like medieval role-play.I would love to help build I'm a fairly good well creative builder.I put allot of detail in my building example: (if modern day based building) A fridge, A power line, A TV,a door bell ETC. the one thing I'm not very good at is Redstone.But this is medieval we shouldn't need to much of that.

8.This is A kingdom I built about a month ago on single player it toke me 6 hours I made 6 houses with a wall around a medieval looking wall the first to houses are just under the wall you cant see them to well the texture was painterly pack I'm pretty sure cant remember to well.dat_ca10_800x600.png


11.Minecraft Server List


Thank You for reading this I hope I get in!


Lord of Altera
6.When a Boy my father was a great Adventurer he want to adventure all of Altera.but one fine afternoon he ran into a group of goblins.....They slaughtered him.Now I've become an Adventurer to finish his journeys.
No. Declined.
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