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Jeroxia.. Ultimate.. Supeer.. Omega.. Roleplaay... Challenge!


We demons of our solemn hour

Name: Roxanne Ayanna O'malley.

Nickname: None as if yet

Age: 28

Gender: Quite female

Race: Human, of course.

Height: 5'7

Weight: Quite light, which helps her in speed.

Hair: Long, wavy and Brown.

Eyes: Sky blue

Skin: White human almost pale

Identifying Marks: Red armbands, showing she is one of the O'malleys. (Will update for Bryce to have one, if so).
She also has an odd taste for Silver and Brown…

Appearance: Stunning to the male eye.
Her long wavy brown hair stands out, and her Dagger ‘Dwelling stream’ is always with her.

Strengths: Quick, agile, very strong (For a woman), knows a lot about nature , is a slight history freak and a massive flirt to her advantage

Weaknesses: Rushes off too quick, running into the face of danger. Her hair sometimes gets in the way of her eyes, and she also allergic to cats, easily bruised, jealous on people out-smarting her, clumsy overall , has bad eyes in nature (due to hayfever)

Fears: The undead and losing her Dagger. Has nightmares of these.

Religion and cults: Worships the 'Good gods' of Altera. Mostly Sallanna, for she is one with nature.

Profession: Bard in training, but also, nature-warden (A job she made up, where she takes care of nature in spare time, and fights those who threaten her/it), used to Help her brother when he asked for it.

Personality: Is not as stuck-up as Bryce, but is as observant as him.
She is a little crazy, running off, into adventure. Does not get bored easily.
Loves nature, she believes nature is beautiful. And will protect it.
She prefers living in large spaces, which is partly because of her family, being posh and all.
Sings a lot.

Likes: Nature, music, adventure, animals, tea, skara, dwarfs.

Dislikes: Lumberjacks, Beings not wishing to communicate in Common tongue, Getting Dirty
Drinks: Tea, mostly. She does like a Single Skara in the evening but nothing more then one.

Food: mainly vegetarian.. Likes Taters the most!

Speech: Posh-like, thanks to her family.

Basic Backstory:
Lived all her life with her 'posh' side of the family. She did not like it. After Bryce left, she got more and more wound up, and practiced singing and History.
She also found out she liked nature, from spending time in the family garden, watering plants as such.. she also found out that she is fairly blind when close to plants, Especially roses .
One day, she left, for 'adventure'. A dog, (read 'for freya') followed her.
She found her Dagger in the water.. Close to where was believed to be a Syrien refuge.
One day, she hopes to find her brother, in which she has not seen in many many years.
When she finds him, she will show him her armbands to prove she is his sister, and then maybe they can live together or something, she does not know.
But she aims to be reunited.

( This is it So far, Special thanks to wakerman4)
( And everyone else who posted something useful!)


Well, is there any specific type of character that you enjoy playing, and you'd like to build off of that?


We demons of our solemn hour
Nothing in particular that's why I let you choose..
Things I want are written in OP and background will be written on what you throw at me



Name: Ayanna "Gem" O'malley.

Nickname: The main one's are 'intelligent' and 'Amazing'

Age: 28

Gender: Somewhat female

Race: Human, of course.

Height: 5'7

Weight: Quite light, which helps her in speed.

Hair: Long, wavy, and jet black.

Eyes: Black with a shade of grey

Skin: White human

Identifying Marks: Red armbands, showing she is one of the O'malleys. (Will update for Bryce to have one, if so).
She also has an odd taste for blue and red. You may see her with only these colours.

Appearance: Stunning to the male eye.
Her long wavy black hair stands out, and her strong blue and red sword (made of unknown, but strong metals) is always with her.

Strengths: Quick, agile, and as smart as Bryce O'malley, her brother. Her observant eyes are not easily bored, like Bryces, though. She is great with a sword, and can preform magic concerning water.
Also can lure males.

Weaknesses: Rushes off too quick, running into the face of danger. Her hair sometimes gets in the way of her eyes, and she also allergic to cats.

Fears: Of losing her brother forever, but even more, losing her sword. Has nightmares of these.

Hopes: Of one day, finding her brother, Bryce O'malley, after not seeing him for so long.

Religion and cults: Worships the 'Good gods' of Altera. Mostly Sallanna, for she is one with nature.

Profession: Adventurer, but also, nature-warden (A job she made up, where she takes care of nature in spare time, and fights those who threaten her/it).

Personality: Is not as stuck-up as Bryce, but is as observant as him.
She is a little crazy, running off, into adventure. Raiding tombs and knowing where traps are, because of her 'observance'. Does not get bored easily.
Loves nature, she believes nature is beautiful. And will protect it.
She prefers living in large spaces, which is partly because of her family, being posh and all.
Plays the violin.

Likes: Nature, music, adventure, dogs, tea, dwarfs.

Dislikes: Cats, Nakam, Golems/Autorons, lumberjacks, zombies, skeletons, and the nether.

Drinks: Tea, mostly. She does not drink. Never.

Eats: Fruit, vegitibles, and only meat if she has to. Enjoys baked potato's.

Speech: Posh-like, thanks to her family.

Basic Backstory:
Lived all her life with her 'posh' side of the family. She did not like it. After Bryce left, she got more and more wound up, and practised the violin and swordplay.
She also found out she liked nature, from spending time in the family garden, watering plants as such.
One day, she left, for 'adventure'. A dog, (read 'for freya') followed her.
She found her sword inside a cave, full of monsters, in which she all slain.
One day, she hopes to find her brother, in which she has not seen in many many years.
When she finds him, she will show him her armbands to prove she is his sister, and then maybe they can live together or something, she does not know.
But she aims to be reunited.

For freya: Has a dog called 'Freya'.


We demons of our solemn hour
I'll edit around with that adding some stuff the others made up..
First thing tomorrow when I have laptop access.. (not editing that on phone)

But still open for any suggestions!

Also I choose name!
Roxette O"Malley
Sword will be dagger called "dwelling stream"
And im so taking clucky the mockingbird to my new char! (sorry frey)

Edit: also I'm not gunna hate jungle kittens!