Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

JonasNordahl95, Application! [Declined - MRPolo]

Hello, my name is Jonas Nordahl. Im an active minecraft player, and have been looking for a good roleplay server for a long time. And i would appreciate if i could join this server. I have been behaving good on every server that i have been on. Im not harassing anyone or destroying other players stuff.
So i would appreciate if you would accept my application, and let me be a part of your great community!

Username: Jonasnordahl

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Country: Norway

I have read and agreed your survival guide.

Intro of myself:
Well, my name is Jonas, im 17 years old and live in norway. I love to spend time with friends and just have a good time, and be a social person.

Why HollowWorld?: I want to join the Hollowworld community, because it seems like a great community, nice people and active and experienced staff. Ive been looking for a community like this for a long time, basically a roleplay server that have good staff and a nice game environment. And not to forget RULES. Theres been a lot of servers with players that are just messing around and harass and ruin stuff. So please consider this application.

Previous work: I dont have any pictures of previous works. But im a clean and tidy person, who appreciate a good piece of buildings. Easier said, i wont build anything that would look awful in your server :)

9:Dont have anything to add.

10: Im aware that use of black magic is not allowed.


Legend of Altera
He did not just didnt put the questions and numbers on although Jonas i would advice you to go to 'How to make a whitelist app' copy the question and underline them and write your answer behind em.

Good luck -Bow


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yes, Before I can start the judging, I need you to rewrite your application according to the "How to make a whitelist application". Also, don't get rid of questions, it helps us a lot.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Sorry, but I have not received any response from you for too long. Feel free to reapply.