Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Jordan Gant-application [Denied - Itzzaboy]

Jordan Gant

1.Minecraft Username: jlg823
2.Real Name: Jordan Gant
3.Age: 21
4.Gender: Male
5.Country: United States Of America (U.S.A)
6.Yes I Have Read The Tome of Citizenship
7.I feel good about RPG's I've mostly played on minecraft Rpg servers but i have had some experience with Final Fantasy and its Role Playing
8. I am a gamer i play minecraft,terraria,and XboxLive games,I work at Kroger which is a grocery store I work as a cashier there and need to make more money.I haven't been to too many servers due to the "Minecraft has Crashed!" Issue...
9.-The Image i Sent Of me and my frineds at Kroger!
10. I play alot of Video games and im thinking of joining Machinima they have asked me too but i said ill think about it.
11.Yes i'm Highly aware of this and i don't use any of these so there will be no problem
12.I Found out about it couple weeks back and i didn't want to really register till my friend told me all about it and i was like "Okay Ill Go Register!"
13.Yes When it asked have you voted i clicked to vote so yes i did!



King ForumStalker

Look at some of the accepted applications to see what you did wrong then feel free to re-apply.