Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kickstarter - Abaddon


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Hello there!

Let's get right into it - Myself as well as a number of my group have decided to build a city named Abaddon. The city will be a port town, built into a seaside cliff face. It will be styled much in the same manner as the pirate port city Tortuga. The only problem is my faction and I have only been on the server a short time, and need a great deal of funds to make the city a reality.

That's where you, the reader, come in.

Why would I want to give you money so you can start a town, you might ask. Great question. Here's a few reasons why -

- We are part of a minecraft faction that has been around for over a year, so we will not just up and leave mid-project
- We are very goal-driven, and have successfully finished a number of cities and projects before
- Our focus in minecraft is event and gaming oriented. As such, once this city is built, there will be a place open and ready for spleef, jousting, boat racing, gambling, and many other forms of entertainment and fun. A donation for the city is a donation toward what we plan to be the entertainment capital of the server.
-Cool prizes for donating!

That's right - just like with the actual kickstarter, we will promise better and better gifts and rewards based on the amount donated. Here's the list:

1000 coin - your name listed on the awesome donator board at the entrance of the city
10000 coin - One of the streets in the city will be named after you, or your own personal boat dock
25000 coin - A common residential plot in the city
50000 coin - Upgraded to an elite residential plot in the city
100000 coin or more - Your choice of having a building or event named after you, A short story or roleplay session catered around your character, a statue, garden, or other structure built in your honor, or finally something else done custom which can be discussed upon donating

Also to those unfamiliar with kickstarter rewards, you get all the bonuses that apply. So if you decide to donate 100000 coin, you get your name listed, a street or boat dock, a plot upgraded to the elite residential side of town, and your choice of the 100k reward options, all at the same time.

All of the money that I receive from this will go to building the city of Abaddon. If by some miracle I receive so much money that the town is expanded as far as I'd like it to go and the materials all bought, the remaining money will go back to the community in the form of prizes to the winners of the events and games that will be held in the city.

I will continue to update this post with pictures of designs for the city done in single player, as well as donation counts and other updates on the city's progress. Thank you all so much to those that decide to donate, and thank you for your time reading my long post.