Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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killzill99 [Declined - Mikipowah]

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My game name is killzill99
i am 20 years old
i am a boy or man if you like so
i am from norway
i am going to read the guide
i have played roleplaying before.
i like pc and footbal on my freetime i also play handbal and like to get now to new people, i am not that kind of person that greef or kill people whitout sense.
i play farming 2011, bfbc2 and minecraft on my computer my footbal team is orre.
i respeckt the admind`s or owner`s if i doing someting wrong i dont do it again.
i work on Rema 1000

i cant install mods so i dont youse x-ray or something.
i am going to vote as soon i have seen the server.
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