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Kurai's Kissing Crusade


Lord of Altera
May 7th 2012, shall forever be a day of infamy 11 unlucky people... Over the course of this day, (besides the 12 hours of it I spent sleeping.) I went on a daring crusade across the land of Altera. To each person I encountered, I gave but one thing, one unforgettable, irreversible, irreplacable thing. A KISS!!!
As proof, and trophies of my daring endevour, I took screenshots of each kiss! Here they are! For your amusement, and/or embarassment!!

The first of many to come, poor Luna... She seemed speechless...Luna.png

Next, was poor Kuthian... Who managed a hit off of me... Kuthian.png

After that, we have Draco, who was... Very happy to plunge his sword through my chest... But ulitmately failed.Draco.png

Then, (My personal Favorite.) Altera's favorite demon, Tavish!Tavish.png

Then I slept for 12 hours... Upon returning to the world, I encounter a wild... Wild!!Wild.png

Then, in my epic quest of kisses, I was to encounter someone, with a quite fun remark... Oh how right you are Sir Midnight...Midnight.png

It was then I encountered a rather curious individual... Goes by the name of Adam... Residing in a dingy town... >_> Adam.png

And here is an exciting one! A triple slap! But none of them seemed to mind as they had nothing to say... Boney, Edith, and Rexyn everybody!!Boney, Edith, and Rexyn.png

And finally, we come to the end, a lone straggler as the time for my epic quest came to an end... This one goes out to you WileWolf!!!Wile.png

There you have it, my epic crusade of the day! Did you get kissed? Did you like getting kissed? And what are the rest of your thoughts!? :D Have a nice day everyone!!


Lord of Altera
And I almost forgot! This 12th one! It goes right in between Tavish and Wild...

And here we have Kaedwen... Who do not seem all together upset at the idea... Kaedwen.png


Loyal Servant of Altera
It's one thing to violate a man's beloved wife, but to then afterwards kiss him is.... well I can't quite find the word for the matter at this time.
Good job on your crusade.


Lord of Altera
What!? You don't want a kiss from me Karasu!? But I thought we were :heart:!? D:

Seriously though. Kissing Cubey is by far my favorite. :l


Lord of Altera
lol yea why did you do this in the first place? bored? oh..and youd get more than a boot if you even tried to kiss me, youd get a fireball and a boot ;)


Lord of Altera
I did it because, until I can get Its, Bette, Jstar, and Rally all on at once for a specific event I'm stuck as Kurai instead of Akari. And I needed something to keep myself occupied. So yeah... I guess I was bored...


Lord of Altera
I did it because, until I can get Its, Bette, Jstar, and Rally all on at once for a specific event I'm stuck as Kurai instead of Akari. And I needed something to keep myself occupied. So yeah... I guess I was bored...
I wonder if Akari is screaming his head off...