Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lavoyarde - Senatoor relations


Lord of Altera
*Recent actions have made crossroads town criers bring a new event to the ears of the greater public...*

-Citizens of Altera! The Future Crowned King Thorius I, in agreement with Lord Robert Senatoor, wishes to inform the greater people that House Senatoor now pledges loyalty as a vassal to the Lavoyarde throne and the future Kingdom of Haven. They will hereby benefit from the holy Justice and have agreed to upheld it's values, to bring peace and Order to lands troubled ago by conflicts and feuds. The Chevaliers and Garde Royale will make sure that the lands of Queen's Port and the vicinity remain in the hands of the most serene Seigneur Senatoor.

@ACU20 @BrianAT16


Lord of Altera
"I'm going to imprison everyone one of those damn violent Senatoor, Robert has already killed plenty, betrayed Queen's Port /and/ the order! Who do these damn nobles think they are letting the Senatoor, Robert of all people, roam free!?" *Corvus would outburst in the middle of the crossroads, absolutely livid.* "I will never accept the Senatoor as the rulers of Queen's Port, or any land..."


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Ilia: *Giggles* *To herself*"How many kings are there currently in this part of the world? Back home was much easier, my family ruled and everybody else remained quiet" *Giggles again* "Will be fun though to watch this"