Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
So, I have one question.
If your character doesn't know.. Lets say alchemy... Then can you go to library or university to learn this stuff, and be able to use it. Pretty much like in real life.

So the question is..
Can your character learn things/skills that he doesn't know?


Of course, just ask about to see if there is an alchemist that could teach you. Someone is likely to be one.


Lord of Altera
And you still can learn from books, too. In fact there are many ways one can learn, just keep your eyes open.


Lord of Altera
Yea. Today I was in that library that I mentioned in your thread of you searching for corruption books. And they had 4 books about alchemy. But i couldn't read because i had to log out soon.