Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Lisa_A_H [Declined - Mikipowah]

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Blue Diamond

2nd try

1.Minecraft username: Lisa_A_H
2.Age: 15
3.Gender: Female
4.Country: Australia
5. Have read the Survival guide and Tome of Sitizenship!
6. I have played roleplay games many times before, have watched many roleplay videos on youtube!
7. Here is a little about me!
I am Lisa Goddess of Awesomeness... nah just kidding :D
I have been playing minecraft for about 3 years and have joined many minecraft servers, and have never been banned!
I build a lot of structures, my specialty is air ships and Zeplins.
Im a pretty good comedian and I love to make people laugh :)
My hobbies include playing my Piano, Drawing and Sketching and Eating :p
My dream job when I grow up is to become a Geologist in the mining industry! i know... I'm a nerd :p
I enjoy listening to Alternative music, like Owl City! i:heart: Owl City!
I hope to spend some time on this server! it looks like a lot of fun!
8. I came across the name of this server on a forum a while ago and remembered the name, so I decided to look up the name and this site popped up!
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