Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
start my journey on having faith
That someday I'll find my day
I know this day is not too late
For love to come my way

Feeling lost in a chamber clear
Seeking truth for love to heal
All the pains I have to bear
What is love if it's not real

Shading my heart with shades of blue
Saving all my tears
Just to look for a love that's true
Taking all the risk

Walking through a lonely path
I know it's all I have
And there's nothing I can do
But to Look for Eternal Love

Where are you now, my love?
Looking for me here on earth
Or in heaven high above
I can’t see you any where I go!
Would I know it is you?
If we ever meet
Would I even feel love
When I finally have one?
Who are you, my love?
Your face is in my mind
And your being I adore
Are you real, or my illusion?
Are you coming, my love?
I have waited all my life
Now I am closer to the sky
You must be not too far behind.
Where are you now, my love?
Come quickly and take me
To your arms of loving
To your heart that’s beating.
Are you coming, my love?
Shower me with bizarre surprises
Prove to me that’s real love
Can outlast our own lives!

Shawn the Wizard is getting lonely. And is in need for a mate. Every day he is feeling more lonely.

( If you want to ask him on a date or something like that ask him in roleplay send him a letter or ask somebody to give him a letter. He is just a lonely wizard.).


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Let me quote a good friend of mine, when I kept bugging him to get his character a love interest...

"Wizards are forever alone!"


Legend of Altera
Come now, man, be assertive! Only beautiful women can get away with the "I'm lonely, anybody want to date me?" strategy. Also send that wench a smiley face. Wenches love smiley faces.