Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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lunaleaf's application [Declined - Sally]

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1. lunaleaf
2. 14
3. Male
4. USA

5b. Yes
6. I am the Mage Daeron traveling from studying at the Eastern Frontier. Since I have learned all that I can there; I have to decided to travel the rest of the world. Studying different things and hopefully meeting new friends while I'm at it. I hope this to be a very successful journey.

7. I'm a gamer who's looks for new and fun things. I like to make music as a hobby and of course game with friends. This is one of my first times RPing but I'm going to try to do my best. I hope to find lots of great friends all while having a good time RPing. This also seems like a wonderful community and I would love to be apart of it. Also something about me, I find summer boring does anyone else? xD
8. Not necessarily anything sorry.

9. I'm getting into making music with DAW's if anyone wants to help that would be cool :D

10. Yes and I wouldn't use it. I had my own server and I also find it extremely annoying when people would use it .-.

11. I have a friend who already plays, I believe her minecraft name is Mavlin, I forget her RP names.
12. Not yet but I shall.


Lord of Altera
Declined. If you're having trouble filling out your application, take a look at the approved and declined ones, to see what you can fix up :D
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