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Upcoming March of The Free Men Part 1, 6th November


Lord of Altera
You're insane?
Of course.

And you accept this?

What is insanity to you?
You already asked that question.

Did I?
Of course, undoubtedly.

Insanity means I'm free. It means I'm outside the box and I can laugh at the sane in the inside.
Aren't they laughing at you?

How can they? I'm outside, they can't see me.
Are you evil, truly evil?

No, I considered myself evil, but that's as far as I go.
What's the difference in your mind? ... The separation between evil and true evil?

Evil is committing an act of wickedness and feeling the wrong emotions. An evil person doesn't know how to interpret his actions and their emotions are upside down.
So what is true evil?

Well true evil is committing an act of wickedness.

And nothing, how can you describe a vacant space? The emptiness that surrounds the stars? The desolate memories of your time before you were brought into this world and after you leave it?
It's sounds like you described it right there.

With questions. I do not offer questions my friend, only answers.
My liege?

I won't ask you to imagine what it's like to be outside of that box. I'm going to show you, you and you.
My lord, there's no one else here...

Well of course, that's because you're on the outside now.
How did you-

It's the good men that take the longest to turn, the evil are next, but the weak? They turn at the sight of that next hit, that second drink, that crave that pulls them and I will show everyone in this world what's it like to be free of that addiction, to be on that outside.
Am I insane?

I already asked that question.

So what's actually happening/happened?

In the Hawklight region all seems well after the landing and the dealing with the bandit raids. Although the Hawklight traitor Donmar was revealed to have set up one of the attacks, he also revealed that there are more bandit camps and that they are led by a commander who plans to do far worse than common looting.

Prince Drake sent Donmar to infiltrate one of the camps as a spy to send back as much information as he can. However, his flow of information has stopped recently and there has been rumors brewing of bandits looting travelers and merchants on their journey, even going as far to kill them in cold blood.

Notice has been called out to any who may wish to help. Hawklight or Anhald, King or smith, may they aid in discovering if there's fire to this smoke.

With the permission of Hawklight authority the band of merry-men will go on their way to the most recent bandit attack just a days past where a brutal raid took place. Is Donmar alive? How many Free Men are there? What are they planning?

Come find out in October.

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Lord of Altera
Beautifully written, I'd like to see what comes of it. :)
Thank you! I just wanted to give a tease of the main antagonist of this campaign I'm writing. Just a bit info, it's to do with the aftermath of the mini-bandit events that happened with Hawklight.
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Lord of Altera
Thank you! I just wanted to give a tease of the main protagonist of this campaign I'm writing. Just a bit info, it's to do with the aftermath of the mini-bandit events that happened with Hawklight.
Quite right, good luck. :)


Lord of Altera
First trailer now added! Enjoy! Oh also, any feedback on the trailer would be great :)
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Lord of Altera
Nice trailer, but I just want to ask, what is this whole thing?
After landing in the New World, Hawklight did some mini-bandit events to pass the time. From that I'm making an entire event, Hawklight is aware that in the northern regions that the bandits are starting to coordinate and are led by a commander from The Old World.
There's much more than that, some juicy plot stuff, but won't be giving it away right now) What the event will be is essentially looking to see if there is any truth to the rumors that the bandits are marching together and then of course, everything escalates from there :)


Lord of Altera
After landing in the New World, Hawklight did some mini-bandit events to pass the time. From that I'm making an entire event, Hawklight is aware that in the northern regions that the bandits are starting to coordinate and are led by a commander from The Old World.
There's much more than that, some juicy plot stuff, but won't be giving it away right now) What the event will be is essentially looking to see if there is any truth to the rumors that the bandits are marching together and then of course, everything escalates from there :)
Alrighty then. Looks pretty cool and exciting, might join in with some other pals. Thanks for clarifying.


Lord of Altera
EDIT: Titled now changed, and I just want to make people aware, this will be a series of events, I've written and plotted out the frames of it all, beginning to end. I'll be looking for some volunteers to play some bandits and a bandit leader, I'll probably make a separate post for that when the time comes and I've polished out the details of this first event.
Also thanks for the appreciation guys! I'll be making one more trailer before this all drops :)