Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Masteriun the mild mannered[Declined - DavyITA]

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Hello! I'm Dstroyer96,
I am 15 years old,male and live in Minnesota, USA.
I have read the survival guide as well as the Tome of Citizenship, and the Everything you need to know page.
His name Masteriun the mild mannered, Masteriun is an elf who worked for many years as a butcher for many years and knew his way around a blade, people from miles around would come to see his work. He would fillet a steak so perfectly that it tasted better when he did so. Sadly his fame ended during the day of his 22nd year working as a butcher his knife slipped from his sweaty hand, and both hands and blood were strewn across the floor. Masteriun had gone for two months without his hands until a traveling wizard walked into town. He asked the wizard if he could posibly replace his hands. He had given up everything before the wizard finnaly agreed. Later the same night the wizard came to Masteriuns home and sounds of pain and agony could be heard coming from it. Masterium woke up the next morning with two hands he was the happiest elf you would ever see. Unfortunatley the wizard had not been very trained in the art of limb replacement so the results were a bit different than that Masteriun was expecting. When he tried he couldnt do what he was famed for he could no longer hold a knife. The wizard had told Masteriun what had gone wrong but Masteriun didnt blame the wizard. Masteriun tried anything else he could to try and regain what he had lost, and the wizard had searched for what could be done to help. Though nothing was found, so Masteriun decided it was time for him to move on, so he started looking for a new talent that his hands could withhold. He tried many things from brewing to fist fighting, he even tried wizardry but to no avail. One day the wizard gave him a bow and said try this. Masteriun was fairly skeptical at first but decided to try it. He fired three arrows each one finding its mark in the bullseye. He had found his new talent and was overjoyed. In the weeks to pass he had decided that there was no place here he could use his new talent so he decided to take his hobby on the road and he set off to experience the world.

My name is Dylan and i wanted to join this server because i love to role play its one of my favorite activities. I love to play videogames as well especially minecraft so this server is kind of a dream come true for me. I also enjoy sports such as basketball, baseball, and football. I want to become a part of this comunity because i think it would be an enjoyable experience to work as a sales person or a merc of some description. I also happen to be fairly arcitectural i dont have any recorded proof but i guess my word is as good as it gets. I will do whatever is nesisary to abide by the rules and will hopefully make some freinds along the way.

There is nothing much else about me that needs to be known.
The internet is a pretty great scource for finding things isnt it.
I have not yet voted i planned to do it after i posted this
i hope you like my ap.
- Thanks
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