Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

MCmuffitz White List Application [Denied Permanatly - roopot]


1 - MCmuffitz

2 - 19

3 - Girl

4 - America

5 - Yes i do, i will follow all rules in the Survival Guide.

6 - Of course, i agree. I promise to never go against these rules.

7 - I am a young, big hearted girl that loves to hangout and meet new people.
I love helping out whne needed and i promise to obea the Admins when they tell me to do something for them. I love jogging and keeping my body in shape, and i am a crazy, wild, and fun loving lady!!
I would love to be apart of your community:) Please accept me into it:heart:

8 - I don't ahve any pictures on my computer of that my job or anything ): But i work at Papa Johns (A pizza place) and for my free time i either draw pictures and paint or i get ont he computer and play Minecraft and other stuff:) But, I AM NOT over weight. AT ALL. So don't call me fat :mad:

9 - Not really, i pretty much explained my life haah(;

10 - Yes i am aware, i never hack. Ever. I don't plan on doing it either.

11 - I found out about the server by looking through servers at the MCSL:)

12 - Not yet but i will if i get whitelisted(;


I think I might like it here
Hello There!

I'm sorry but I think your Numbers are wrong. Number 6 is supposed to be about your 'in game' character's history and the chars story.
Also, in number 7 try to put atleast 8 sentences.
Try putting in the questions also, that would help to avoid confusion.

If you do these things I'm sure you will be accepted quicker! When you get accepted look me up in game ---Blueraid3


Lord of Altera
Indeed... you do need to have your character introduction as number 6. Not sure what happened there. And yes, your number 7 (personal intro) also needs to be longer. Just tell us about yourself, interests, etc.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
the last person to use an avatar like this turnrd out to be fake too......


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
To MCmuffitz
Just searched with the picture on TinEye.

Get Out.