Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mechman95 application [Declined - Sally]

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1. What is your minecraft username?
2. How old are you?
3. What gender are you?
4. What country do you live in?
5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server?
yes I did and I like the way its written as story​
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?
I agree 100%​
6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.
A dwarven blacksmith far below the reach of the sun in is cavern home needed help in his mines. He created machine after machine each with its flaws and its success. from his work the true magic of redstone was discovered, but at a terrible cost. With each passing creation a part of himself was lost. And each creation destroyed the last and then itself. The dwarven smith had all but lost his life and all he had left was his desire to build something that would stand the test of time and proclaim his genious to the world. he reached his ninty four creation and failed causing him to lose his legs. And he knew that he could only create one more creation before his body and mind would fail and all he would have is a few years and his years of skill in the forage and in the mines. he took all that he knew from his past ninty four creations and from them he created a design which he named Mechanicalman creation 95 and with his skilled hands crafted a body from his own dwarven tools for they were made of the only metal known to last forever without rusting breaking or dulling. Every pickaxe he brought from his far away home to his mystical forages that could smelt ten differnt ores at a time, everything he had in his home and in his mind went into his final creation. His hands warn and faltering from the many a year he spent to his creation when only one thing was left, the creations power. He gave the creation the last thing he held dear, the very first tool he had recieved from his father and it now had become his only hammer he had. With it he created the mold of a unbreakable furnace that he poured the melted down hammer into. inside he filled it with redstone and lit it in a way he had found so many years ago, and with it made the eternal flam that started to burn within his final and perfect creation. over the last years of his life the dwarf taught his creation all of which he knew and all of his far away home. On the last day of the dwarven smiths life he told the creation the he was his son and thus a dwarf by right and as it sunk into the creations mind his new found father told him that he was all that was left of the dwarven kind. for a war had strarted in his world and as he escaped to this new plain of land he watched his home be eraticated forever. He escaped with his box of tools and a create of dwarven ore which he made his few possions out of. but all of which he now told his son, were used to make him. As the dwarf finished his tale he called his son closer and told him that he would live on as the only dwarf in this world, and every other. He told him that he would never die for the dwarf had made his son from not only the pinnical of all ores but he made his son with one intent and that was to love his creation as the son he was never able to have. And with his last breaths he told his son something never before said, "i love you." and with those words the dwarf died, leaving his son to roam the world forever. the son for many a mellenia worked away in his fathers caverns doing as he had always done for his father but he knew he must see the plain his father said his home was from. so he ventured out of the cave into the light. (this background is through the eyes of the creation, he is not all powerful or immortal, he was created by a dwarf gone mad who hid in a hole, the experiment that exploded he put gunpowder inside not red stone and all the creation is, is a metal coal burner with redstonde dust in it nothing more. i wanted the character to think his creator was amazing then meet the dwarfs already in the world and learn that his father was simply a man gone insane who hid in a hole.)

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.
I am a kind person to those in need though I dont just give handouts to those who do not work or are not in true need. I am currently persuing a form of degree in AUTOCAD (computer aidded design.) I have two prototype inventions currently being profesioanly built one a enclosed motorcycle and the other a true hoverboard. and I guess I should tell you my name which is walker. my hobbies in game are mining and creating homes with odd contraptions and redstone devices and hidden rooms or passages. I want to join this community because I like to role play in minecraft because it makes it more fun. I try to play as a blacksmith or craftor because I love the skill and craft in real life. this would be the first time (if accepted) I would be on a server completely dedicated to the story and not when it suits the player.​
I think I would have a lot of fun here, but if not seletected for the whitelist I would understand. when I play I am ussually quite and if given a task try to complete it relitivly quickly without cutting cornes. I hope to join you all very very soon.​
8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
I have none that I think are worth attatching.
9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
my favortie color is blue.
10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
I understand that crude impure nacromancy is agaisnt all rules and morals and that any practacing necromancer shall me banished.
11. How did you find out about our server?
I found out from
12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)
yes I have but didnt put in my name or anything by mistake ill revote tomorrow.


Loyal Servant of Altera
An interesting idea. I'm not sure if a mechanical creation would be allowed by the admins as it isn't detailed in the list of races or in the lore, but as your character is essentially unique it wouldn't be. I get the feeling that your character is also overpowered, as he cannot die.

I believe that altera has a thriving dwarf population so that is another issue that needs looking into.
Unfortunately there are too many questions raised that I can't answer so you'll have to wait for an admin. All I can suggest is that you separate your questions and answers and put your questions in bold, it makes the whole thing look better.


i understand the lore and no i do not wish for my character to be over powered, he is the creation of a mad dwarf in a hole. i was trying to do the background from the creations point of veiw, its just a metal coal burner in all reality, i read about the dwarves and wanted that relization that he was not what his creator told him and goes through a blue period i kinda got to far ahead of myself. :p i just couldnt think really of someone who could fit into the lore without having it look as if no thought was put into the character.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well I can't say whether your character will actually be allowed but if you make it clear he isn't all powerful and immortal then it will only help your cause.


i would completely understand that he isnt close to the beaten path and with have no hard feelings if he is not allowed ill edit into the post what you suggested.


Lord of Altera
Oh, also, could you make sure that 7 has more about yourself, than what you do on minecraft? We like to know the players we allow onto the server :D


Lord of Altera
This hasn't been changed or updated for a few days. I'm sorry, I'll have to decline this. If you fix up your RP introduction, you can apply again.
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