Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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minecraft [Declined - Bellonthewise]

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name: tariq kilani
user: ytblackk
age: 14
gender: male
race: human
height: 58 inch
weight: 59 Ib
hair: dark
eyes :green
skin: cool skin a boy with a hoodie
Appearance:He looks like a really farmer. His body is formed by the hard work in the fields.
His face is friendly, but also meditative. He has three different outfits (War, Civil and Assassin/Spy). Ulrych isn’t the person who talks much, he just do things. He is a very patriotic person, who would never leave Stormhold or the house Lonmar for any reason. Ulrych is also very proud of being a human. In his mind human, dwarfs and elves are the ruling races.
Profession: builder farmer helper red stones inventer i am op at madcraft and ik all the commands of owner and i am miner and i like hunger games
Weaknesses and fears: i fear from the fire bow and the fire diamonds swords
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