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MineZ adventure (story)

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Legend of Altera
I woke up in the swallow water. My bones hurted and moving costed alot of energy. I was feeling dizzy and my surroundings were black. I tried to crawl to the piece of land i saw. It looked miles away while it wasnt. I started to feel better and my nausea faded away. I pulled myself onto the land and examined my area. I came to the conclusion i was at the border of my country named Zeagtoss. My belt contained my bottlle of water, my training sword, my glass ball to talk with other wearers of one and a bandage. I also had my leather jacket on. I knew since i was at the border the town of Geuten would be close. I didnt know anything about the situation and thought everything was fine.

I began heading to Geuten to go rent a room at the inn as i guessed i would be staying there a while longer. As i made my way through the woods i passed by four figures, i sneaked past them so they didnt see me as they were looking dangerous. After i was safe i got thinking and realized those figures were zombies. And that the world changed. Once arrived in Geuten i saw it in ruins partly. I got raiding all the chests as this wasnt a normal world anymore. After i did that i was going patrolling around town and raiding more chests. Then i heard a fight at the church and headed to it. I saw 2 filthy bandits locking a poor guy out of the church. I decided that that doesnt happen in my Geuten so i attacked the two bandits getting reinforcement from the guy that got locked out. We won the battle. Unfortunatly i was the only survivor. I looted some health potions when another guy charged me. There was a long fight but luckily 2 zombies ran in to attack my attacker. That gave my time to replace y broken sword and kill the guy. I succeeded and decided to go to sleep.

To be continued...


Legend of Altera
*writes in journal* If anybody finds this journal when i die let them know this. The zed (my name for zombies) will never sleep they will always hunt you so be in your fullest alert, also your backpack has limited space. Keep the most usefull items dump the others.

List of good stuff (you should have)
2 Bandages
2 Pieces of rose red/Lime dye
32 Cookies/ other pieces of food that heal that much of hunger
Swords (depending on cathegory you use)
5 Wooden
3 Stone
3+ Iron

You should wear as best armor as you can find too.

THis was it for my information, now what i did today.

After i woke up in the house i got to sleep in i had some breakfast and then went defending Geuten against the zombie hordes. I met some of the guys that used to live with me in Ridgevale and we decided to go north together all 3 of us. So thats what we did we packed our stuff and got north. At the first town we stopped to loot one of us died already. Me and the other had no time to grief and we went on to visit Cole Castle where we had many loot. It gave us many food armor and weapons, though that Castle nearly costed my life 3 times. We lived in the castle for about a week defending it from the zed. They were breaching so we fled, further north. To rockwood fort where we didnt stay for long because of the lack of good items we found. Thats when we went to fort forthwind. It was a hard experience there and when we left we decided to part ways, we traveled to Cole Castle again and he got to live there forever while i made my way back to Geuten, my town i defend it with my life and now i dont have to fear for my life. Thats hwre iam writing this now. In my home in Geuten. I live here and fight for it. Iam going to sleep now its day so the zombies are at bay.
Be safe
Be happy
and Be a warrior


Legend of Altera
Yes i actually did this and enhanced it with sum RP story telling, i cant tell u the IP though mayve ill pm it


Legend of Altera
I decided to start my journey today i met some friends at geuten and we decided to travel together. We geared up and were ready to go north our first stop being Worthington. We walked into the dangerous woods next day not knowing what we would see or what would happen. We made our way through the deep mud and past the flowers in the woods and after 3 hours of walking we sighted the ruined wall of worthington. I climbed past it and saw a small town all 3 of got scavrnging after some time we heard Toby calling for help. I parcoured over the rooftops to him to rescue him from the zombies. Alan came running by and the zombies spotted him and charged......2 of us were left. We decided to leave worthington and go on afte the night.