Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

minsirjunure [Declined- Abbeyvie]

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1.What is your minecraft user name? minsirjunure
2. how old are you? 14
3. what gender are you? Male
4.what country do you live in?United States
5.I agree to read the Survival guide and use your tome of citizenship to look up any questions I might have I also agree to consult these two guides before asking any questions ingame or on the forums
6.please provide an in character introduction I am a skilled hunter often equipped with a bow.I have been hunting for as long as I can remember I would not join any battles unless they were to defend what I love,Nature. My name if minsirjunure son of Witoficjunure and will live and let die like my father, who was viciously killed by a grizzly bear on a winter hunt I couldn't attend, for I recieved a sickness
called 'ilotofic mintsof' a sickness makeing you shakey so you cant walk and often times black out.
my father was sleeping in a tent my mother sewed for him one fine summer day and was killed by a starving grizzly now im the man of the house and must watch over my mother who obtained the sickness after me. alot of times we run low on food the best way to get rid of ilotofic minstof is to eat, tho you feel full with the sickness your body is actually starving this is how most people die from the sickness.I cant hunt for food I have to fend off the wolves (which we dont eat because they have rabies) and watch my mother. my friend Mark Robbins son of Henry Robbins, brings food to us I am in owe to Mark.Mark is a far better skilled hunter then I am he lives about two miles away.I will surely repay mark after these dark hours he is a true friend to me and will always be their for me and I will be their for him.Some times I feel I should avenge my father but their would be no point for the bear was starving it was only its in stinks to kill and eat my father.I hear thair are wars, far North it is very boreing these days I always wanted to go on some grand adventure as a boy but thair were too many task at hand. now that I have time tothink about it I figure after my mom loses ilotofic minstof, I will go North. my mother will surely try to persuade me to not go on my adventure I will assure her I will not end up like my father was 42 when he died my mother is 39 I am still young and strong I will not fail on my adventure!
7.please introduce yourself I am Luke im into minecraft I bought it last week and could not find any good servers until now.
I would like to be on this server it looks very organized and very fun. I am a non greifer to be honest I havent killed a player on minecraft so far, mainly because I never throw the first hit.I am also into american football and sports I am in organized football and run track. My strong subject in shool is writeing and creativity. I have lots of pets dogs,cats,genuia pigs, I am an animal lover.I also like things like this, like, middle ages kind of 14 in 8th grade I like to go camping and sit out and look out at the stars space I believe their life some wair even if it is billions of light years away GOD wouldnt just share the universe with one species he would make more, I know it.if you were GOD, wouldnt you make more than one planet containing Life? . I think the first game I have ever played was Sonic 2 with my older brother. Have you ever tried to remember as far back as you can? as far back as I can remember is: im pretty sure I was a baby I was laying on a bed my oldest brother picked me up showed me out the window and their was some guy with a chainsaw cutting wood I think it was my brothers friend my brother said '(Friends Name)is cutting wood'' then he made the sound of a chain saw''diga diga diga diga'' thats is as far back as I can remember I dont know if it means something or if that's just as far back as I can remember period.
8.Do you have any examples of your work and creativityim sorry but I couldnt find my minecraft file so I cant enter my images. my structure's are very basic but they are all done with out cheating their anything else you would like to share with us I like watching leave it to beaver and I like the lord of the rings books and movies
10.I am aware that black magic xraying xray texture packs or mods for lacateing ores on your server is not allowed (dont worry I dont even know how to do that) did you find out about our server? I couldnt find any good servers I had this idea to type ''themed minecraft servers'' so I did and this server was on the top of the list so I did more research into it thought it looked cool
and now im writeing this application 12. did you vote for our server? write now I realy would like to get in the game and check it out but I will surely vote for the server after wordsI hope this application will be successful and I hope it wasnt boreing or anything but I did allot of work on it and think this server will be very enjoyable.I also like your almost amediate responses


Lord of Altera
No, please include the questions as separated/bolded words from the answer. And please follow all guidelines of the application process. You really rushed this, and try to make it longer, please..

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