Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mixa1234x - application [declined - Geo]

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1. Mixa1234x

2. Nils

3. 16

4. Male

5. Germany [GMT +1]

6. I did.

7. I love any kind of RPG and minecraft too. I have already played on two RP servers.

8. Hi, I am Nils. I love to play minecraft. I am in the 10th grade. My englisch isnt the best, but I think most of you can understand me. In my freetime I love to go climbing and doing athletics, expecially marathons. If I am not playing video games or doing sports, I often hang out with my mates.
In my past my main server was, I was the mayor of the town Himera. But i quited minederp, because of to many map resets. That is why I am looking for a new server right now and I hope that this will be the right one. :D

9. I love to do youtube videos and Photoshop stuff. I have also created a app with a friend ones. I did the layout and he did the codes, but we never tried to put it in the app store, instead we used it on the jailbroken Ipod Touch.
My old runescape channel:
Modern Combat 2 Clan channel I made with a friend:
and our website:
All the images are not copied, these were all made by my self.
This is all the images and videos I can give you, because my computer crashed and I the little dummie forgot to make a backup.

10. Nope.

11. I have never used x-ray and I will also never use it, because it takes the challenge and the fun out of the game and its also pretty unfair against the other players which try hard.


13. No, but I will vote straight ahead after i wrote my application.
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