Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

my application [Declined - Itzzaboy]


Lord of Altera
my real name is David. i live in the state of Maine. i am a 15 year old male. i have always enjoyed both building things and mid-evil style fantasy. my favorite movie is lord of the rings and my favorite game is skyrim. i enjoy roleplayin and my hobbies include airsoft, video games, legos, and biking. i have played mine craft for a while but have never joined a server due to people using mods or cheats. i agree 100% with the tome of citizen ship and agree to read the survival guide and every thing you need to know. i will not use black magic and will treat all players as my fellow civilians. i am looking forward to building the ultimate fantasy world and learning from veterans. i found this server simply by searching for themed servers. so here is commander snow hawk's backstory.....

commander snowhawk was born into a human noble family 17 years before the great war. at the age of 10 he was sent to an elven military school. the first attacks from the enemy burned his home village causing his fear of fire. he joined the military to enact revenge on the enemy forces. during the great war he was fearless in combat and could turn any terrain into a heavily deffendable position. he soared through the ranks and achieved the rank of commander. unfortunately after the war he realized the king's treachery. the king had allowed skeleton forces to destroy snowhawk's town and family. the war was started by the king to gain political strength. after hearing this, the commander started a small rebellion against the king. for his treachery he was exiled into the wilderness. now that a new king has risen, commander snowhawk serves as the main defending force for the country side. he builds forts to serve as protection and slays many mob forces. he can be found at his home castle in the wilderness or at the capital fur filling the noble king's wishes. commander snowhawk is about 6 foot 4 and has a surprisingly strong body even though he is in his 60's. he has a white mow hawk and blue eyes. his only marking is a strange elven tattoo on his back which is said to give him his strength. the commander has a way with people whether he is leading men into battle or helping a local village build a watch tower.


King ForumStalker
Declined, please use the proper application format sticked at the top of the whitelist section if you wish to reapply.