Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

My.. other account?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hello there, Hollowworld. It is me, once again, NiNja_T3DD9. First of all, I would like to announce my arrival back to Altera (Is that it..?), after a long and hard journey though the sea. I would like to request to come back into the community, but with a friend.

Okay.. well that's the rp side of it.. anyway, to put it strait, I now have another account called ToxicAl54 that I mainly use and well.. I play on a lot of other servers as ToxicAl54 so I was wondering if I could be whitelisted as Toxic so that I don't have to log out and log back in every time I want to play on another server. (Also it's a heap easier to spell! XD) anyway.. just a request.. I don't mind much if you say no but it doesn't worry me much. Thanks. Oh and for all you admins that have been doing such a great job at improving the server, thanks.
