Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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nikomaster123 [Declined-Abbeyvie]

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niko nissen

Villager minecraft name is nikomaster123


5a.i agree to read survival guide

5b.i agree to read tome of citizenship and everything you ned to know page character is a half demon half human character that has an arm that glows red when ever in danger and can shoot a pulse of red light but it is not very powerful.also has small power to move objects with power of brain and very stealthy. As a kid i was raised by my father as my mother was killed in a fire not long after i was born. my father was a very a very skilled blacksmith and and soldier. one day he was called to fight in a war. he slayed the prince of darkness. We were both given feasts every night and we were dressed like kings! but, even though all of that happened my father was still sad over my mothers death so i decided to go adventure! i went off looking for a way to get my mother back not for me but for my father.
on the way to a alchemists home a bandit popped out from behind a tree he said, "give me all your gold or ill kill you!" sadly i had no gold i tried best i could to try to back him off but none the less he got me slicing off half my arm. because i wasn't to far from the alchemist i ran to him. i knew that recreating human flesh was forbidden in alchemy but i had no choice. through a cloud of smoke from the transmutation circle i see the alchemist just ripped apart without any mercy. i then realized i have crossed the border from heaven and hell and now he is dead i paid the price. i looked down at my arm it was glowing red and i could feel power running through it. i wen out side shooken from that happened i was calling for help but then i realized people would put me in jail for it. so i had o run far away. i stopped still feeling the power through my arm i hear a rustling in the bush and a giant bear jumps onto me my arm starts to glow bright red and some how out of pure thought i shot a burst of light into his head and he died. i had no idea how i did it... (weeks pass) i have gotte way more controlling of it i now can shoot it on command and can now use telichineses (im not sure if thats how you spell it) all of this came from thought and not from any action. i have now given up hope that i can bring back my mother because of what happened to my arm. with nothing left to do i decided to go adventure! this is where the story begins) name is niko and i love playing games i am very connected witht he community and will do anything to help out. i actually have a job for valve right now reviewing their games on another website that is working with them so i pretty much know everything valve knows. :D But any way im very kind and i am also very serious about gaming. i have played any other role play servers before but not a serious one like this. My hobbies are gaming,swimming and hanging out with friends. :p my favorite food is lasagna OH MY GOD i love that stuff! I want to become commentator when i grow up but cant start now cuz cpu is crap but what ever.

8.My creativity is that i work for valve an review there games. sadly the site is not up yet and cannot provide a link i will send a link when up for proof.

9.nothing else

10.i do not have any black magic

11.i found your server by internet
12.i have not voted


The original mute
add the questions in bold above the answers THIS IS A REQUIREMENT. when we say introduce your character, we're asking you to basically look at the world, with insights as to what they think, and maybe suggest why you think that. you don't necessarily need to write a name down. make question seven more in depth, and slitghly longer. do this, then i'll see if it needs more improvement.

also please note, although i show up on the staff list, i am only part time, and only moderate a small section of the forums, and CANNOT accept applications, however i know what is required and so can help you chisel your rough carving into something more shapely.


Lord of Altera
add the questions in bold above the answers THIS IS A REQUIREMENT. when we say introduce your character, we're asking you to basically look at the world, with insights as to what they think, and maybe suggest why you think that. you don't necessarily need to write a name down. make question seven more in depth, and slitghly longer. do this, then i'll see if it needs more improvement.

also please note, although i show up on the staff list, i am only part time, and only moderate a small section of the forums, and CANNOT accept applications, however i know what is required and so can help you chisel your rough carving into something more shapely.
Follow this, and once you are done say that you've updated it.

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