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Occulemency lore?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Since that several of the Uthrandirtopian Wizards are well-versed in Occulemency, I was curious of the actual abilities of this skill... I want to base a character around this skill, and I'd have to know the limits and abilities this skill would give him. I'll explain my idea for my character if asked, but I'd rather somone post the actual lore of Occulemency first. If there is any.


Lord of Altera
Pardon my Airheadedness...but I havent heard of Occulemency before, was it something that was taught while I was away from Uthrandir?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Several of the Wizards are well-versed in it... Has something to do with the power of the mind... I dunno much, but a lot of them have been able to read my character's mind... Something to do with that.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... I think... Telepathy is speaking with your mind, Occulemency is the art of attacking somone's mind?... Could be wrong.