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[OOC proposal] a Non town linked faction of the... "criminal underbelly" persuasion


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: (work in progress) Bilworth's bane(?) The Guild of Free Traders (?) Having trouble here, suggestions welcome.

OOC description/purpose: The guild is entirly RP, for the moment, there is no need for a central town (in fact it would be a disadvantage) And the aim is to have secret bases across Altera from Warstorm to Port Silver. The main aim of the guild itself is to provide "neutral evil" players, the petty criminals, smugglers, enforcers, the more mundane evil, a mildly organized platform for RP, and to give the guards something to actually defend against, in RP. This is not going to be a "we must rule the world MUHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA" style deal, it's about the lives of the petty thieves and smugglers, their struggles and problems. Not about massive overarching evil plots(although they may have an insatiable desire for more money which may lead them to have a mafia-like desire to rule the criminal part of the world, but hey, that's fair game, and unlikely)

This is NOT, repeat, NOT, a guild designed to give people an excuse to grief and steal. Anyone who joins this, will either have to know me or one of the "Lieutenants" and prove they can RP or are willing to learn how to. This is about RP so you if your not interested in that there's very little point in taking interest, in fact you should leave this thread now. I am of course happy to help anyone willing to listen and learn with their RP, and we will accept people who want to at least TRY.

To steal, you need permission from those you are stealing from (sounds roundabout, but thems the breaks) and i'll repeat it again NO GRIEFING. is that clear? Good. Now if you like the sound of this read the RP description.

RP description/purpose:

They say, that there's a store up in warstorm, small place, by warstorm standards. They say it's run by a foreigner, goes by the name of Kleerathshi, though most call 'im Bloodwyvern. They say, there's more than meets the eye to that place...

The forces of law have their organizations, their factions, the guard, the King's and Queen's armies, vigilante groups, militias. They band together to protect what they see as theirs from those who would take it. They hunt down wrong doers like dogs, prosecute them, some are competent, some are not.

Criminals are no different, they respond to this by banding together in their own groups, some champion order within their groups, some a mere loose collections of like minded individuals out for their own profit, seeking the safety of numbers in exchange for slightly lessened profit. Some are powerful, some are weak, some are as old as time and some have existed less than a month. They work together to steal, to avoid the Kings taxes, to bring people the goods they so desire that those who control the law believe that they should not have. Such groups rarely exist without bloodshed, and a new one has begun to rise.

They are a loose collection of smugglers, cut throats, thieves, murders, bandits and all those who exist upon the fringes of society, in the shadows, and they exist for only one reason, to expand the wealth and power of the individuals in this strain of society. They do not force their members to obey some strange code of conduct, some twisted morale code that they believe justify their actions, they have no desire to become Kings and Lords. They exist for profit. The members work together to make the individual wealthier. They are the weapon used by the edge of society to enhance their aims.

For now, they are small, merely a single safe-house, merely a single leader, they there is a burning ambition beneath the movement, a burning flame to defy the laws that they believe petty and pointless, a burning desire to enhance their chance at personal profit. They might not be organized or wealthy yet, but that will come in time.

The guard can offer protection, a small wage so you can live and die at the beck and call of your lords to allow them to keep their piece of the pie. The army can offer you an outlet to your violence in the name of the king and the chance at loot. But there is one thing they can never offer you. Freedom. The freedom to do as you please regardless of others, the freedom to exist purely for your self.

If you want something more than to live at the beck and call of your betters. Of the warlords and Kings of this land, if your talented, unscrupulous, and do not care who you compromise to do this. Perhaps you should seek these people out, for only then, will you truly be free.

OOC rules:

These are simple.

1) Do NOT grief.


3) Remain in character when doing faction stuff.

4) Obey the general accepted Rules of RP.

5) Obey the server rules.

6) No stealing without OOC permission from target.

Conclusion type thing

Essentially, I'm writing to see how much interest there is in this sort of thing, whether the admins agree to it being allowed to exist, and to see if any other of the "lawful" or "good" guilds would be interested in planning RPs with us. (Preferably something meaningful, not just random street fights)


Lord of Altera
I like this. People could find something missing, then go on the hunt for it. The faction, or guild could leave clues that if the player was canny enough, they could find and retrieve that which was stolen.


Legend of Altera
Brilliant idea!

I commented on a thread a few days ago that suggested having bandits. This way is much more subtle and cunning!


Legend of Altera
Most fantasy themed media have some level of crime. The Elder Scrolls have the Thieves' Guild, and A Song of Ice and Fire has criminals. Our fantasy themed server could have some criminals as well, who aren't immediately banned and told they have bad attitudes. The bandits feature could be easily abused and end up with players being murdered, but this, thievery and fencing stolen goods, may have some potential.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aye, well the way it's designed means we should be able to prevent people who just want to cause trouble getting in through being careful and it allows for more admin scrutiny. It's generally a more controllable method than IG "bandits" and if certain members break the rules, then they have little room for complaint because they knew what they were getting into.

I reckon it's a win win. :p


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
Wow, I'm surprised Blood. :)

When you mentioned this ingame i didnt realise you had such a broad plan for it. It makes me look at your totally "Legitimate" shop in a new light. I think this is a great idea and one you should definately carry on with. There has been a lot of interest in "bandit" or "criminal" roleplay on the forums, but your proposal seems a lot more reasonable than a lot of the others out there, and is certainly one that could result in a far less murder, griefing and anarchy for the admin team. I think this gives those of questionable morals a good oportunity to get stuck in to some shady RP whilst actually having a valid reason for doing so, other than just being bad.

Also, I'd love to have some sort of involvement with this. Maybe as some sort of corrupt official... who accepts bribery? ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
An excellent idea. After reading it over twice, i know this would be something I would like to be apart of. All rogues need to have connections!


Loyal Servant of Altera
okay, there seems to be a reasonable amount of interest from players, Though I am wondering what the admins think, since it's them who'll have the yea or nae


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
Necro - (verb) to comment on an internet thread long after the conversation has concluded, often using information
that did not exist at the time of the original thread.
Huge Necro here buddy, you should really check the date of the last post before you post yourself. Bloodwyvern hasn't even logged in for 10 months.