Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Palor - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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My minecraft user name is 300henry.
I am a 23 year old male.
I live in the United States of America.
I agree to read the survival guide and tome of citizenship.
My back story is....
I grew up in a somewhat rich but respected family with the ideals required of regular citizens. I grew up under my fathers shadow. Since he was a retired captain of the guard In a city from many lands away. But like in most city's the people there craved power and we had to leave because of the power struggles. In my early years and though out my later teens I was trained to and brought up to be person of the ruling class or at least a captain of the guard like my father. But things change and soon my family was in hard times and I had to start working in the farms which mostly funded the city. But life was still bearable and I had some weekends to my self and the town around me was flourishing. But suddenly it started changing. First It was just rumors of dark figures on the outside of town.Then the crops started dyeing and The plague spread. Then the madness spread only the old were went mad at first but then the sick and the young and then finally the general population. they took to the streets fighting and looting I was spared from the madness for some reason, And then the coward known as the dark magi came he had power horrible power and he came in and took over what was rest of the populous. May family was killed in the madness so I took what I had left and started adventuring warning those about the dark magi.

My Interests are D&D ,LOTR , Roleplaying, Gaming, Medieval History, and Ect

I would like to join the community because this seems like one of my dreams. It puts together Roleplaying ,Gaming, and Medieval History.

Are you aware that the use of black magic (xraying, xray texture packs or mods for locating ores) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense? yes


I am really sorry I forgot two of my questions.
. How did you find out about our server?
I found it on mc server list

I have not voted yet but will soon


The Lioness of Davia
Hello :] you should copy\paste the questions above the answers, and space them so it's easier to read.. thanks(just edit the post above)
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