Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Path Of Exile


Lord of Altera
I found a little (... Sure...) game called Path of Exile and it's really quite cool :p.
I've only recently started and it's already awesome. Don't trust my word? Then check it out :D

Still not enough? There's a passive skill tree.
"So what?!"
It's big... No, huge... No, MASSIVE. It changes almost everything for each class. And there's 6 classes.


Also, I should add that it has magic. You don't learn magic though. Magic spells are items. They are items. So if you have a spell you don't like, sell it and get money :D
I highly recommend this game. It's currently in beta and you can sign up for free now. It may have a price soon enough.
All you need to pay for this game right now, is around 5.5 gb of space. :p


Lord of Altera
Me and Back started playing this a while back... fun game in my opinion and a lot like Diablo. Backstay was playing before me soo if you want massive chats, ask him
I can back you up though, fun game and I really need to play it more...although levelling with a higher level isn't as fun as when you get to die loads as a lower level solo'er (Yus, I like dying)
Also, magic spells are socketed into your equipment rather than just items, like in Diablo, as well as having ranking sets of armour from common to unique and many of the best pieces use Scrolls of Wisdom as they have to be identified.

My two cents :p