Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Planetside 2! (New thread)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well... To start of, I just started playing it and i have to say... Its AMAZING!​
There can be above 2000 people in a single region and there is plenty to do, from repairing ships and vehicles to driving into enemy territory to do some secret sniping.​
There are 3 factions, The Vanu Sovereneignity. They are an alien race and personally, my favourite. There is the New Conglongmerate who are humans and the Terran Republic who are human... I think...​
There are high population servers and low servers with servers in between.​
As i said, i have only played for about 3 days but I am Battle Rank 7 and only ever use the Sniper, Heavy Assault and Light Assault classes.​
I play on the Ceres server and my name is Benijim. If any of you ever want to do a bit of shooty shooty boom boom or just mess around in vehicles then just add me as a friend, I'll set up a skype call and we can go from there!​


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I play Vanu Sovereignty on the Matherson server, under the name flabbermcfizzle. I primarily play engineer, and I drive a party bus for people to spawn from.


Loyal Servant of Altera
The Vanu Sovereignty are human too, they just use technology that belonged to an ancient alien race. And the "party bus" pyrocide mentioned is called a Sunderer I believe.

I really wish I could play Planetside 2, but the lag (even on the lowest settings) was just too unbearable for me, so I quit a while back.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Been playing it off and on the last couple of weeks with my brother, it's good fun. Tiring out a bit though, partially because it's rinse-and-repeat (think they're finally about to add actual events once a continent is conquered), the ridiculous cost of getting any new weapon and that I wish that I hadn't gone NC.

Still, good game, hopefully it'll develop further and still a good way to kill an hour or two.