Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Play Games with Alteran Admins!


Adorable according to Michcat
Hello! Some other players and myself are going to make a series of videos where we simply play extremely fun multiplayer flash games together. And since I'm the host I get to make the standards! The regular players will be myself, SallyPirate and SilentWindara. That means we have room for two guests each time! Any more and I get laggy! Noone likes a laggy cameraman! If you want to join us just fill out this application. Be sure to add the codeword Portugal. If you're accepted you'll be messaged a link that will guide you through making an account on the web site. This is going to be a lot simpler than your whitelist app, let me tell you! Please be honest. I cannot stress that enough.

How is your grasp of the English language?

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?

Do you swear much when you speak?

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
If not, can you get it soon?


Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language?


Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?


Do you swear much when you speak?

Depends if a few words are considered bad, but no.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?


If not, can you get it soon?



Lord of Altera
Hmm... Sounds fun...
English is my first language... So I'm terrible pretty good at it.
I have an Australian accent which has been labeled as "cute" multiple times :3
I don't swear too much... Too much... :p
And yesh I do have TS :)


Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language? 'hat's this 'nglish thing? I speak 'merican.

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you? No, I just live in a blender.

Do you swear much when you speak? If i'm in pain... or around friends.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3? Yes
If not, can you get it soon? N/A


How is your grasp of the English language?
Fluent Speaker

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
Yes its totally awful Nobody understands a thing i say on team speak ever (Kidding)

Do you swear much when you speak?
I avoid it as much as humanely possible.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
Well i do indeed speakin to teams... It was undoubtable that i would use such a program

If not, can you get it soon?
I can delete and redownload it if you like.

(Thaught i'd do a bit of happy time motivation here)


Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language?
Let's just say I have powerful grasping hands.

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
I can do many different accents, I don't think there will be a problem.

Do you swear much when you speak?
Only if ya on ma turf bro!!!

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
I do indeed.

If not, can you get it soon?
pfft no

Oh, and, uh... Portugal.


Magus of Nothing
How is your grasp of the English language?
How do you say it.. err.. good? I used to live in Portugal :p
Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
Nope, unless English counts.
Do you swear much when you speak?
Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
If not, can you get it soon?


Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language?
Extremely fluent.
Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
No, mainly neutral because I have moved too much :p
Do you swear much when you speak?
I pretty much never swear in-game, I let out my frustration after gaming.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
If not, can you get it soon?

Also: Portugal for the win!


How is your grasp of the English language?
Extremely fluent.
Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
Do you swear much when you speak?
I don't swear at alllllll.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3?



Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language?
I'm fluent.

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?

Do you swear much when you speak?
Around people I know well, I swear like a sailor admittedly, but if swearing isn't allowed I don't have a hard time controlling myself.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
I do.



King ForumStalker
How is your grasp of the English language?
Above average

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
Nope, only perhaps a mic

Do you swear much when you speak?
Not really

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
If not, can you get it soon?



Lord of Altera
We should just have a draw my thing.. Tournament.. Record it.. And do a HTG video


Just saying.. :)



Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language?
Very well developed, though I begin to talk like
when under stress >_>

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
None that I would know of..?

Do you swear much when you speak?
Not if it's with anything civil.
Just don't invite me to play competitive wargames and you have curse free :3
(note: competitive wargames also includes mario party.)

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
I believe I do...wait..Yeah, I do :D

That one country with that took me five minutes to find on google. Could've sworn it was in south america, eh, guess I was wrong. South america's cool, though. They have penguins.

Also, Portugal.


Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language? I speak many english, it's not the best...

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you? I don't think so, nope.

Do you swear much when you speak? Vibrantly! But I can suppress it.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3? Yepo, but I don't use it much.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language? English good am I at. Well I grasp the English language pretty well I suppose.

Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you? I have an accent but I don't think it would keep you from understanding me.

Do you swear much when you speak? Yes... But I can try to suppress it.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3? Yes.


Lord of Altera
How is your grasp of the English language?
I am obove average with the linguistic skills
Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
Do you swear much when you speak?
the odd one here and there not on TS though
Do you have TeamSpeak 3? Yes
If not, can you get it soon?
Damn you Kevin Pilbeam!


Loyal Servant of Altera
1.How is your grasp of the English language?
I'd say it's slightly above average I find myself often correcting my friends' grammar mistakes

2.Do you have an accent that could keep us from understanding you?
Nope, none at all.

Do you swear much when you speak?
I can tend to swear but only when I become frustrated and not a long string usually one emphasized curse.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
No grrr I keep saying I'm going to get it and forget.

If not, can you get it soon?
Yes wouldn't take much I can just get sidetracked easily xD