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Proposal Halfling Lore


Magus of Nothing
This is all my own writing, none of it plagiarised or anything. As I am one of (I believe) two halflings and they had very little lore in the way of history I decided to write this. I do not really think it will be accepted, but if it is even considered I will be pleased. So, here it is, and if you have any question, much alike Valcust's threads, I will strive to answer them as to how I see this race.

The Halflings

The Halflings were once a very prosperous people. Living in their small towns and villages of large underground burrows, built into the hilled lands of Old Altera. Being good farmers, blessed by Shalherana in the way of plants, they prospered. Growing faster than any of the other races it seemed as if they would become the dominant species of Altera. This would not come to pass, for the one known as Queen Grief rose up and brought the Armies of Naught forward.

The Halflings were safe, for the most part, hiding out under the hills while the evil forces roamed above. However, this could not last either, for soon Queen Grief stumbled across a Halfling. His name is not known but it is known that he was twisted, corrupted into a foul being known as a Greyling. Short in stature and with grew mottled skin they were almost un-identical to their cousins. With the first came many more, Queen Grief always looking for more to join her armies. By the time the Siege of Port Silver had begun, almost a quarter of the Halfling race had been corrupted, those who were not permanently scarred by what they had seen. When, finally she was imprisoned almost a third of all the Halflings at the time were Greylings. These twisted creatures fled from the harsh hand of the Immortal Kings, down into the Hollows where they would dwell for another 1900 years.

The Halflings became a gypsy people, never staying still in once place too long, still fearing the mass changings that had occurred when Queen Grief had found a hobbit town. They began to tattoo themselves in their sadness, scarification rituals became commonplace and could last for days. Their pointed ears became the home of many rings and decorations, furthering their almost alien appearance. It became traditional for a young child to get their first tattoo, upon the backs of their hands, at age two, so it would grow with them. Soon the reason for the tattoos and scars became forgotten, but they carried on nonetheless.

Even before their fall the hobbits were cunning, able to separate a rich man from half his wealth for a small wooden charm, carved in minutes (It must be said that none ever regretted their purchases, a show of the power of words when wielded by the right person). They never felt bad about these transactions, believing if they were stupid enough to be separated from their money by these means then they wouldn’t spend the money in a sensible way anyhow. After the fall they lost even more of their morals, trying to survive in almost any way they could find, be that cheating rich men of their money or trekking through the forests in search of that deer without which his family would slowly starve.

Many generations passed and the Halflings slowly forgot what had befallen them and yet they never stopped moving. Throughout the long years after their fall and before the Exodus there was no settlement, no land that they called their own. Their traditions never weakened instead growing stronger through the long years. They slowly lost their untrusting nature, not nearly as quickly as they had gained it, but it was going. They once again became easy going, light hearted and even trusting.

Then came the Cataclysm, once again tearing apart the lifestyle of the Halfling. Although ten per cent of the total population of Altera made it through not even a hundredth of those were Halflings. Spread out in their long caravan chains they had no news about their imminent doom and so they fell to the raging fires of the Corruption.

The Halfling’s were not seen during the next 500 years. Still recovering from their grief and adjusting to their new world they hid away from the big-folk, hoping that if they had no contact with them then perhaps, maybe, hopefully the Corruption would ignore them. They began to grow again, and at the end of the 500 years heard of the ‘Exodus’. They were prepared this time, and they all travelled to Port Silver, camping outside the walls, wating for the Grand Portal to be built waiting for it to be opened. When it did open they were the first through and they scattered through the land, not waiting to help the big folk through. They still did not settle until they stumbled across the perfect location. Large hills, situated at the bend of a river. News spread of this place and soon the population began to grow. From a humble single home made for 10 it became the centre of their world, from where they could trade, grow their food and just live peacefully. And so that is the current state of affairs, the Halflings finally living in peace, safe from most, if not all danger.


Lord of Altera
This is great :D

Hey, maybe you could add some stuffs to do with the gods they worship, their usual behaviour regarding other races etc.?

I'm only saying this because if it's accepted, which I hope it will be, it could be added all at once. Simply, I'd like you to include EVERYTHING about the Halflings.


Magus of Nothing
Other Races
Halfling's generally have an affinity with elves, their appearance being similar and it is the same with their cultures. This bond is strongest felt among wood elves, as they share a similar philosophy. Earthspawn are feared greatly, they can be almost three times as tall as a halfling and three times as wide. A halfling could hide behind an Earthspawn's leg with ease, if you could persuade one to get anywhere near. Dwarves are laughed at. Why would and self respecting race choose to spend their whole life digging up rocks? And those beards, just so strange. Humans, they are indifferent to, it all depends on how they first meet this race. Syrie, once again, no general opinions formed, the same applies with the Nakam.

Greylings.. The opinions on them are focused yet cover a few aspects. The main feeling is pity, a deep feeling of sadness at these sad, strange creatures. They are seen as lesser, twisted beings, lost to Grief, and many a halfling has tried to turn a greyling back, without any success. They are also hated and feared, the only race that the halfling's will take direct action against if a large clan is discovered (the fact that they are of the same stature also means it is the only fight they can hope to win).


Magus of Nothing
Religious Stuff
The halfling's place their most fervent worship upon a trio of gods, Jax, Shalherana and Sallana. These are the gods that represent their easy, good way of life. As expert growers of food, expert game players and experts at making children(Every Halfling family is not considered as such until they have atleast 2 children) these gods are really the perfect show of their lives. Many halflings will base important life decisions on a flip of a coin, or roll of a dice.

Many a religious ceremony is focused around fertility and life, the largest of which is the planting of the seeds. This event occurs at the beginning of spring every year, and continues for a whole week before it's end. During this time lovemaking is prevalent and many marriages occur, aswell as the sacrificing of old livestock to bless the fields with new life. Upon the final day of this week all the sacrificed livestock, and the remainders of the harvests that are not stored, are cooked up in a huge feast hat any visitor can partake in and eat.

Upon birth, every halfling child is blessed by a night out on top of the hill the burrow is built upon. They are given a blanket and a bottle of milk then left to gaze at the stars. No halfling child has ever died from this, as upon this night Shalherana and Sallana bless it with life and love, that warms it throughout the long night. In winter this still occurs, although a small fire is lit to guide the gods.


Magus of Nothing
Halflings are famous for their comfortable and extensive burrows that will often fill an entire hillside. Why these came about is a slightly peculiar tale, told to young halfling a to teach them that houses are a waste of time, and that burrows are ver useful.

There once were two villages if halflings, normal sized people, not freakishly tall like most. One of these villages had large timber houses that were very fine and another had small dirt holes, burrows, one could argue, that were cold and lit only by small lamps. However, upon on particularly bad night a marauding band of tall people, dressed all in steel armor found the village with the large extravagant house and set upon stealing and burning all these houses down, killing the poor halflings that lived there. Next the men rode to the second village, and peered around, looking for something to steal... But all they saw was a hillside and some farms! The men were very confused and rode off to find more treasure to steal. Suddenly a call echoed from the top of a hill and then... All the halfling took the dirt covers off of their holes and sprang out. They had heard th shouting from the other village and had hidden their homes! But then another great occurrence! The halflings from the other village came and taught them how to make nice comfortable burrows, so they no longer lived in dirt holes. And that is why we live in burrows. Now go to sleep, and I don't want you pinching none of the bread!