Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [Public | Moderate ( >:) )] [3/19/18 | 6pm EST] He's Still Going to Jail Dammit


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
The trial of Balatro Sage was interrupted. Fearing for his life, the accused fled in the ensuing chaos of battle. He was later recovered alongside the daughter of the emperor, and dutifully returned to the custody of the state.

But his trial is just rescheduled. It shall be held in Sanardu proper, behind closed gated and high walls, justice will be served, eventually.

i was told that threads needed images relevant to the faction or event to seem serious and formal.
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Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
Blarg. im begging you. This is a very serious story arc for my main character. Please for the love of god. Make a single event in this arc serious. please...

Blarg please.