Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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RabidPraryDogs-Application [Declined - Sally]

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Lord of Altera
Hello, I have previously been approved for the whitelist but was taken off for some reason. (Probably inactivity) So I don't know if I can prove myself worthy of the server or not but here it goes.

1) My minecraft username is RabidPraryDogs
2)I am 14 IRL, my character is 35
3)Male, IRL & Character
4)United States of America
5)I agree to the Tome of Citizenship as well as both the Survival Guide and The All You Need to Know page.
6)(A bit different than before)I am a warlock, suspicion follows me wherever I go. My life is solitary, due to the nature of my power. I have sold an aspect of my being to a demon for powers of unimaginable strength. The aspect that I sold was natural fitness, so I had relied solely on my powers for protection in my various adventures. Over time I have become extremely good at necromancy of all things! As if things weren't bad enough now there is yet another wall to seperate me from all forms of social contact. The demon I sold my physical strength to is said to belong to the hell-like plane of known as the "nether". There are no people in my country bold enough to harness the powers of the underworld, so it is up to me to find my way there. I have heard of a land known as Altera that is thriving with magic. Perhaps I may even make some friends for once in my life. I have set sail and eagerly await my arrival!
7)I am a nerd through and through. I do play sports, but my primary love is for technology. I am even taking a coding class online. I play Minecraft regularly but I lost my internet for a while so I was unable to play on this server. I am a roleplaying fanatic, I play d&d and have even made a customized version for a WoW style character creation. I live in a hick town in Southern New York that seems to be cold 8 months of the year. The average I.Q. in this area seems to be about room temperature. I am reading the 4th book in the Song of Ice and Fire series right now. Nikola Tesla is my hero and Edison deserves to rot in the pit of tartus(is?). Anyways, that's about it hope that's enough.
8)I had an impressive build on minecraft but it was corrupted when I last updated.
9)I am starting a podcast in mid-January with a few friends.
11)Just looking for RolePlaying servers
12)No, but I will!


Lord of Altera
nice application and yes, there was an issue a long time ago that heaps of people were removed from whitelist. I guess it's good to do a new one to catch up on everything, a lot has changed! :D
Anyway, could you just make sure 7 has around 8 sentences or more about yourself?


Lord of Altera
alright sorry, this has been sitting inactive for too long, I'll have to decline. Please fix up your application and you can go ahead and apply again.
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