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Race transformation through magic?


This is a dumb question, because I probably know someone came up with this idea. Lately i have made a human character. Lately i wanted to become a syrien through rp reasons. I been thinking, because of the vast area magic rules, i thought race transformation would be one of them. I was later told that i could not do that, and cancelled my app for it. I thought of bringing this up for later just in case. Plus, i want to push for my goal. I do not want to make a new character and do not want water blessed lv3. I will resort to that if i have no other choice. Please think this over. I have had a long week with this topic with others for a week. At least let me down easy.


Lord of Altera
I'm sorry but I doubt this will be allowed, race transformation from human to syrie seems quite extreme, and I can't even see a way to make it logical.


I know it is, and im Thinking it ho wit could happen logicly. Through the queen or something. Just scraps of ideas so far Camicaxe


Lord of Altera
Legit answer: Nah, mate, you can't "transform". The only change you could actually do would be becoming a demon, and even that isn't changing race.


Unfortunatley the only way is to rebuild the character. (Remake)

There is something i heard of called a re-birthing that allot of people do but that involves starting a fresh with the character's age too.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
I only know one person who's character was aloud to change race but they are a amazing RP'er and Probaly wrote a amazing backstory for it... Depends on your creative writing skills I guess!

PS. I hate to break it you but Syrie have been capped


Lord of Altera
I only know one person who's character was aloud to change race but they are a amazing RP'er and Probaly wrote a amazing backstory for it... Depends on your creative writing skills I guess!

PS. I hate to break it you but Syrie have been capped
1 slot left.


I remember back in the day when i asked this very question. Then when i found out it coulden't be done i made Sakora... I do not regret my decision. It was the best thing i've ever done. This character is a keeper. Hasn't died yet either... Although ive been tortured and nearly killed twice...

Still i woulden't change this character at all.


Lord of Altera
I'm thinking about this a bit, and I'm wondering if anyone's Aether Vyrden (that's the magic thing, right?) would actually be large enough to encompass a spell that changes the biological nature of a creature.


Well the immortal kings can make worlds can't they?

Anyway I still think you should use my suggestion, my logic is undeniable.