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Request: List of All evil/ mean/bad Characters


Lord of Altera
I would like some help compiling a list of all known evil/bad/mean characters on the server. If you are classified as these then please leave a response below explaining our character a little bit. Thank you.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'll argue that Basil is neutral with violent habits and enjoyments, but still, I admit he is bad. And he will get much much worse shortly after I finish this post.


Lord of Altera
How about the words twisted, deranged, or insane? Psychopathic?
If any of the above words count, then add me up there.


Lord of Altera
I could argue differently, but I fear that my house is filled with evil people! The shame, ah well, we'll row with whatever oars are granted us.

I most certainly am evil.


Burner of Worlds
Is this one of those questions like "who is in the southern wilds?

Are you asking so you can hunt them down and kill them?


rauyran said:
Is this one of those questions like "who is in the southern wilds?

Are you asking so you can hunt them down and kill them?
Pffft, who actually does that!? Cant think of anyone that does that offhand... :eek:


Lord of Altera
Queen Abbey Oceana is quite the villian here lately. I would add her up their. She is crazed with power and is attempting to slaughter her 'enemies'. :p


Lord of Altera
Yeah right, like the evil characters are just going to tell you who they are, we have a code. *looks up at list of evil confessors* You guys!? I though we agreed to keep this on the DL.


The Great Demon is here! An aggressive corrupted human! Loves chasing, scaring and griefing!


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Albiorix isn't smiled upon by those that would call themselves good. They have called him evil, so I suppose he is.