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Rivendell - Not created yet


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hello I am Elven Elder Thalion, I wish to make a town but there is one problem. A town costs 50,000.00 (50k) radiants, And I have not got 50k. So I'm looking for a person who could help fund this (10k+), and in return I'd make them the co-owner.

Let me tell you a little about the town.

The town Imlasdris, will be a mainly elven community that will have a warm glow of happiness when you enter. The landscape that is planned is bueatifull, some thing a "World generator" could never create. One of the towns main features would be a chine running through the middle of it as the sun reflects of the calm waters.

This is a list of a few features planned in it:
Chine running through the middle of the town,
Hills for hobbits (Half elven and dwarf),
The grand tree of Imlasdris,
The big oak tree of riversorrow,
A stunning ocean,
Bueatifull elven buildings and
Iron mines of Rivendell.

The planned public places are:
The white horse inn,
Town square,
Rangers hut,
Market and
Town hall.

This town would have stunning decoration and detail in to the tiniest thing. In long-term this is a great investment with massive potential!

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Rivendell...... sounds familiarly a lot like a certain Lords of the Rings elven city..... I wonder why.... :p

Also if someone has to donate to you 30k out of 50k that would technically make he or her the owner since he or her would have staked the most money in your venture. Sorry to get all businessy on you but if I put in more resources into something than someone else I would feel it only fair that I have the main hold of said asset/s.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, the name is just completely uncreative and as Pheonix correctly says, you are asking for a stake of 30k to your 20k and it is a bit unfair that they are only co-owner.

A little bit of advice though is to keep saving, be patient and you WILL need more than 50k trust me you will.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I can't change the title now. But the town's name will be Imlasdris not rivendell. since your all being picky about the name "Rivendell". The reason why I thought of rivendell is because of the chine. not LOTR at all. And thanks for pointing it out.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Yea, don't forget about plots. Once you acquire the the intial 50k purchase you will still needs masses of funding to buy the plots and resources to build. I mean, unless you have been mining for such a long time that you have enough stone, coal, iron, wood, ect to build an actual town.

Starting a town is a huge venture, I mean its quite realistic in comparison to other things in the server and you actually have to think things through very carefully. I am not trying to put you off or anything, I think its a great idea and I would hate to see it just fizzle out before it even begins. I myself have always wanted to start a town of my own, but with it comes great responsibility and you must be very active, principally as you are starting of. A great deal of pre-planning must be made and ideas must be tested out and sized out before you try anything. It would be a great shame to see you get disheartened when you begin. If you really want to carry this through I suggest that you try building test builds on creative mode on single player before directly onto the server. It would also greatly improve your chances of getting sponsorship from others if they can see some kind of tangible product. A picture paints a thousand words, by this I just simply mean go make something to show us and convince that you have what it takes to create something as legendary as Ricendell/ Imlasdris is supposed to be.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I can't change the title now. But the town's name will be Imlasdris not rivendell. since your all being picky about the name "Rivendell". The reason why I thought of rivendell is because of the chine. not LOTR at all. And thanks for pointing it out.
I'm not being picky about the name I just recognised it for what it is. I thought it would be great being named either one. I wish you all the very best with your plans and I do hope that one day you will soon be able to realise the idea.


Lord of Altera
I just made a Town and its really hard (me an my friend saved up the money without donations) but if you cant save up the money yourself can you own a town? I other news...i like the idea :)