Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Darkwolf9408

Name of Project: Riverwood

Location of Project: (Either screenshots, a link to the map or coords)
With the Dynamicmap down, I can't give any exact measurements.
Size of the project: (The more exact you are the more likely it is you will be granted permission)
20 plots, 15 for the village, 5 for the outer-buildings.
Intention of the project: (Is it a fortress, a keep, a castle, a maze, a dungeon etc etc. DO NOT! apply for ahouse, as builds will be public.)
Riverwood is a village, with walls surrounding.
Reason for inability to claim plots personally: (Why is it unrealistic to claim yourselves?)
I am just a lord, and money-making in Altera is quite difficult for me, as the Economy effects what I do/where I go.
Residents: (Who will live there after its completion?)
I will live here, and whomever decides to live about the village.
Builders: (Who will help build the project?)
Myself, and maybe others. I will recruit later.
Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? (I want a full reason, not "It will look good")
I believe this could be a great opportunity for RP'ers to experience an effective RolePlay environment, and could give other opportunities for those who wish, to develop their RP-Characters, and personas.
Used materials:
Stone, planks, logs, pictures, etc.
Riverwood, from the Elder Scrolls V~ Skyrim.
RP explanation/introduction: (I expect a nice, well thought out full length paragraph. I will litterally decline it for solely a bad RP section. Make it nice. If you arent the best story teller dont worry, as long as you made it obvious you put effort in, ill most likely grant it. Also feel free to ask me Lars or Fitz or any of the rolemasters for help)
"Quickly, come, sit down", Alver said, as his head hammered with disease."This will turn into a thriving town one day... And I'm glad to have been a part of it," he mumbled as he laid down, obviously not having much time, "When I leave... you will need to take my place, little Ankoruss..." And, with those words, his face went pale, and his cheeks began to cool. He was dead, and my father was chosen to build up Riverwood into the thriving-town he dreamed of...
~10 Years Later~
"Ah, young Azerath, you are looking quite dapper this morning, why so?", Sven said, obviously proud of himself for some-odd reason, "My father, Ankoruss... Was murdered in the night with 10 arrows to the neck, and 1 to the knee..." I mumbled, pacing through the morning's glare, "It is my job, to re-build Riverwood, from the burning-coals and ash... I will never give up..." I stated, clearly determined, my mind set in stone.
Planning: (If youve got any screenshots/sketches/proof of concepts, please put them here)
Riverwood-Aerial.jpg Riverwood-Side.PNG
Links to previous work: (This can be either on hollowworld or other places. This is important, i expect some links.)


<3 Hollow World
I can't give special permission to this, there's already a Skyrim inspired town being build - Whiterun. Suggest joining them. Also money making is difficult, but it's meant to be. SBP (special build permission) isn't meant to be about getting around financial constraints, 20 plots isn't much, you're already down to 18 the instant you found the town.

Someone else might approve it but I'd like to see Whiterun up and running before we gave the green light for this. It's not a NO, but it's not a yes just now either mate.

I also don't think 20 plots will be enough.