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Road between Protaras and Rapture?


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Infernohawk

Name of Project: Road between Protaras and Rapture

Location of Project: Please see name of the project

Size of the project: The road will likely be around 4-5 blocks wide

Intention of the project: To ease transportation between the two cities, and offer better chances for RP and trade

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: Roads are long
Builders: Myself, residents of Protaras, and hopefully Rapture as well

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? It will improve trade and possibility for RP. Also, currently, one must take 6 minutes worth of Voxelports to go between the two cities, even though they are fairly close together. This road would ease the journey on foot between them, allowing better chances for the two cities to interact.
Used materials: Either stone brick or wood planks and darkwood, along with the possibility of fencing and torches

Inspiration: the roads in Myrithas and Avalon

RP explanation/introduction: Ermm.... for a road too? I'll do it if its necessary but....

Planning: the road itself would be 3 blocks wide of half stone brick with full stone brick on the edges along with fencing and torches of some sort every so often

Links to previous work: Protaras Market, Fortress, wall extension, bridge to the inn, general making stuff all prettyful, Protaras Inn, pub renovation, my own house.

I'll make any revisions to this thread as necessary.

Make a mockup of the road you're planning (make a straight and a diagonal section at least) and post pictures here :)