Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Roamingwolf's Application[Declined - DavyITA]

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My Username is Roamingwolf, and I purchased this legally. I am 14 years old, male, and I live in the United States of America. I have read and agree to the Survival Guide. I agree to consult both the Tome of Citizenship and Everything you Need to Know page before asking anyone else. Hunter, Dragon Rider, Year of the Trials. I have travelled the forests, living off the land, killing only to survive, selling pelts to towns I pass through. I have been living in a tree for the past year, and am ready to leave, but this forest is riddled with small, flesh-boring grubs named illgrathr, which eat anything I throw out my tree. They jump in the air, split into 7 of them, then eat the entire thing, just yesterday I threw a piece of rotten flesh out, and they ate the entire thing within seconds. My name is Setormor, I grew up in a large town, until war destroyed all but a single hut, I raided the hut of its weapons and escaped to the forest. I write this in case I do not make it out of this forest. I see an ocean nearby; maybe if I run for it, I can get away. I am going to place this on a log raft and send it away. Hello, I am Santiago, more commonly known as James, and I am just a very techie guy. I am a large geek, nerd, or any other stereotypes. I love medieval RPG, or just RPG games in general, whether on Minecraft or not. Most RPG games I have played have a preset path you follow, but I saw this one is more open, which I love. I have wanted to find a server or game like this one. I also hate bad grammar and bad-mouthed people. Besides Minecraft, I play things like the Halo series, Need for Speed, and Steam games. I love to read Sci-Fi books, as well as some set in the past. I love books from the perspective of animals though; they are always the best, to see how people think dogs think. I do realize that all X-ray mods, texture packs, and any other cheating is not allowed, and I agree to not do this. I found your server from my friend Madyson. In addition, yes, I have voted for you.​


The Lioness of Davia
I have to decline this, you have to compile your application in the proper format:
Please, before re-applying have a look at this guide right >>here<< and make a proper application.
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